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What exactly is Cervicalgia? A cervicalgia basically refers to a dull, persisting pain which occurs mostly around the neck area. This pain can extend to the upper body, or head. The duration of pain varies greatly depending on the form of it like acute, sub-acute, and chronic. Acute cervicalgia usually lasts less than seven days, while chronic pain usually lasts longer but not less than three months.

How does this occur? Cervicalgia is caused by any injury or strain to our neck, shoulders, back, and other back and neck muscles. Causes of this problem are often misidentified or undiagnosed by our chiropractors. Sometimes these strains can even extend to other parts of the body like the muscles and ligaments in the spine, and they can cause misalignment of the spinal column.

There are several symptoms associated with the problem of misaligned spinal column, neck, and shoulders. One of the most common symptoms is referred pain, which originates in a specific location in the neck or shoulder. Other symptoms include muscle weakness or spasms, neck or shoulder pain, loss of sleep, inability to communicate properly, poor posture, neck or jaw pain, and headaches. It has also been identified that neck or shoulder pain and other related symptoms worsen or are aggravated by certain activities like coughing, sneezing, exercising, and bending over. Hence, good posture along with proper massage techniques will help one to overcome the symptoms of cervicalgia.

Chiropractic care offers effective treatment for neck and shoulder pain. These treatment procedures may help to reduce inflammation and soreness which are the major symptom of cervicalgia. Good massage techniques can certainly help to reduce pain and prevent any further injury or aggravation to one's condition. Chiropractors should be able to identify the exact area of concern. Hence, they can use their special instruments which may help in assessing the problem further.

A chiropractor can treat all the symptoms of cervicalgia, but it is essential that the patient also undergoes preventive measures so as to avoid a recurrence of these problems. Prevention of the recurrence of these problems can be achieved by undertaking exercises that strengthen the muscles and strengthen the ligaments of the spine and the surrounding tissues. Exercises that improve one's posture and relieve neck and shoulder pain can help to prevent further symptoms from occurring. Chiropractic care also offers special exercises that stretch the muscles and help to relax the stiff muscles. This will prevent the muscles from contracting once again.

Chiropractic care is a great relief for pain and discomfort caused due to cervicitis and its complications. Women who have had a previous attack of cervicalgia are told to go for regular check-ups with a chiropractor. Regular visits to these doctors can detect the signs of any additional injuries to the spinal cord or the muscles, which could cause a recurrence of pain. If this is found, a treatment plan can be devised. Cervicalgia symptoms can be reduced drastically with the help of experts who practice chiropractic care.