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How to Find Someone Email Address and Send The Perfect Pitch

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If you are looking to spam people then you're in the wrong place. But I'm guessing you're one of the good people and you want to find an email with good intention. 

Whether you want to contact new lead about your product, start a conversation with influencers, or pitching investor your start-up idea. Then you will love the systematic and free process I use to find an email address in one minute.

Today I'm going to cover two things

1. How to find email address: As a name, facebook, twitter id, linkedin profile, or facebook page

2. Email Outreach Best Practices: What to do with contact information.

Let Get Start

How do you find people email address? There is two free tool I want to introduce you too. 

1. Hunter

This tool is one of the best email guessing tools I have come across, you need to go to hunter.io and create a free account

With free account, you will get 150 free searches each month, after you created your account, there are few way you can use it

Option 1

If you want email address from a specific company, then you can search a domain, here I would search for apple.com

You can see a list of email address that has been verified, hunter as found over 3,421 email addresses from Apple employee.

If you want to find the specific person email address, then that is where the hunter google chrome extension comes in

To install it, open up google chrome and go to hunter.io then scroll to the button on the page and click the add to chrome button, then you will see a new icon in your Chrome toolbar

If you go to a new website, hunter will instantly tell you if they have any email in the database.

If you go to apple.com, click on the extension, you will a list of email come up

Option 2

The most practical function for most of us is finding an individual email address. the chrome extension work with LinkedIn data to put out individual email address. 

Let say I want to email someone who just follows me on twitter, and instead of searching on LinkedIn, you can go to google and type in  site:linkedin.com “their name” You can add a company name if it's a common name

Once you click on the first result on google, you will notice a new button that says hunter, click on that button and in seconds you would have the email address of the person you are looking for.

Just to be sure, you need to use the second tool call Rapportive and it created by LinkedIn, it gives you more confident whether the email is accurate or not.

Rapportive is a browser extension for Google, just search for download rapportive and click on the first result

After it installs, open up a Gmail account and compose a new message, copy and paste the email address you found from hunter and if it's correct you would notice that the LinkedIn profile shows in the right sidebar

You can do this as many time as you want, now you see that finding email addresses is not soo hard.

Now, What do you do after you found this email address? You email them right?

Before you email them, there are two things I want you to acknowledge

1. No matter how great you think your ideas, products or services are, they won't think the same at first impression

2. If you can't get their attention in the first two sentences, then consider the time you spend writing the email a wast

The people you are emailing probably already get a ton of email from automated spam box that says many craps.

You are completely stranger in their eyes, possibly one of the shades spammer. No matter what your intention to email them, there are few principles and practices to follow when doing email outrage.

1. Keep It Short

If you write an SA with your life story then you are that person on the box that people don't want to sympathize. 

Basic people get a lot of emails and if you can't get their attention from the subject line and the first two sentences of the email, they probably won't read it.

Take a look at this two email below and evaluate if it's worth reading the rest


2. Avoid Spam Google

When you get an email from unknown people the last thing you want to do is to click on the link because of the malware and email virus that is going around.

Instead, you want to start a conversation, so when you start that conversation, you try and pick their interest in what you have to offer, so don't use a link in your first email, you would see email spams increase like crazy.

3. Personalize Email

Rather than starting with “Hi friend” or “Hey there”. Start with “Hi name”, it would show that you are not sending a mass email and that you have done enough research to know their name.

You should also go the extra mile to personalize its base in the context of your conversation.

That is it for finding someone email and I hope you found it helpful and you are able to put them into action today.
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