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Computers are an essential part of our lives but there are many people who face errors while they use their computers. One of the most common problems which users like you face are black screen on your laptop. 

In this blog, we are going to explore this issue and also going to tell you how to fix the black screen on your laptop windows 10 so that you can fix this problem and get done with it. 

Black screen of computer – What is it actually?

Simply, putting a black screen is actually a blank and black screen on the computer, where commands or button prompts do not work and eventually your PC becomes unresponsive. 

Reasons why you get a black screen on your computer or laptop

There might be some issues with your monitor, or there might be some errors with the display and adaptor. The system update or the software app installation might be faulty. 

Ways to fix black screen on your computer or on your laptop

  • To fix this error on your computer, you have to see if there is any external damage on your computer. 
  • You can also refresh the screen using the windows key sequence and see if the problem has been fixed or not. 
  • You can also roll back the display driver or the adaptor using the safe mode of the computer. 
  • You can prompt the system restore and go for automatic repair mode on your computer. 
  • Another thing you can try is to restart the windows explorer program which might be able to fix the problem you are facing. 

Now, you know how to fix the black screen on your laptop or on your computer so you can use these ways and resolve the problems you are facing and can continue using your computer as you used to. 

For more read – https://allinsider.net/how-to-check-the-performance-of-your-pc/