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Vinyl records are a great way to listen to music, but they can be susceptible to skipping. This can be caused by a number of factors, including dirt and dust on the record, a dirty or worn stylus, an unbalanced tonearm, a warped record, or a damaged record.

In this blog post, we will discuss how to fix a skipping vinyl record. We will cover a number of different methods, so you can find the one that works best for you.

Clean your records

One of the most common causes of skipping is dirt and dust on the record. Over time, dirt and dust can build up in the grooves of the record, making it difficult for the stylus to track properly.

To clean your records, you can use a record brush or a record cleaning solution. If you are using a record brush, simply brush the record in a circular motion, starting at the outer edge and working your way towards the center. If you are using a record cleaning solution, apply a small amount of solution to the record and then wipe it away with a microfiber cloth.

Clean your stylus

Another common cause of skipping is a dirty or worn stylus. The stylus is the needle that reads the grooves of the record. Over time, the stylus can become dirty or worn, making it difficult to track the grooves properly.

To clean your stylus, you can use a stylus brush. Simply brush the stylus in a downward motion, starting at the top and working your way down. Be careful not to touch the tip of the stylus with your fingers.

Balance your tonearm

The tonearm is the part of the turntable that holds the stylus. If the tonearm is not properly balanced, it can cause the stylus to skip.

To balance your tonearm, you will need to use a tracking force gauge. A tracking force gauge is a tool that measures the amount of pressure that the stylus applies to the record.

To balance your tonearm, start by setting the tracking force to zero. Then, gently move the counterweight on the back of the tonearm until the tonearm is balanced in the air. Once the tonearm is balanced, adjust the tracking force to the recommended setting for your stylus.

Check your record for warps

If a record is warped, the stylus will not be able to track the grooves properly, and this can cause it to skip.

To check your record for warps, place it on a flat surface. If the record wobbles, it is warped.

There are a few things you can do to try to flatten a warped record. One is to place it under a stack of heavy books. Another is to use a record flattening device. However, if the record is severely warped, you may need to replace it.

Repair damaged records

If your record is scratched or damaged, this can also cause the stylus to skip.

There are a number of record repair kits available on the market. These kits can be used to repair minor scratches and damage. However, if the damage is severe, you may need to replace the record.

Check your turntable

If you have tried all of the above and your record is still skipping, you may need to check your turntable for problems. Make sure that the platter (the part of the turntable that the record sits on) is level, and that the turntable is properly calibrated.

Additional tips

Here are some additional tips for fixing a skipping vinyl record:

  • Try using a different record brush. Some record brushes are more effective than others at removing dirt and dust from the grooves.
  • Try using a different record cleaning solution. Some record cleaning solutions are more effective than others at removing dirt and dust from the grooves.
  • Try using a different stylus. Some styli are better at tracking warped records than others.
  • Try using a different turntable. Some turntables are better at tracking warped records than others.

If you have tried all of the above and your record is still skipping, you may need to replace it.


Vinyl record skipping can be a frustrating problem, but it is usually a problem that can be fixed. By following the tips above, you can help to fix a skipping vinyl record and enjoy your music without interruption.

Source: How to fix record skipping


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