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High quality Chinese backlinks are one of the main ranking factors Baidu uses to rank websites. In short, when other high-quality websites link to your website, it will send a positive signal to search engine crawlers that your website is valuable, useful and trustworthy. All of these factors add up to help improve your search ranking.

If you want your website to rank high in Baidu search results, you must learn how to obtain high-quality Chinese backlinks.

To get high-quality Chinese backlinks to websites or blogs, you need to follow the following off page SEO . If you don’t know the off page SEO, I want to explain this.

What is off page SEO?

Off page SEO is the process of creating high-quality Chinese backlinks for your website or blog. The Chinese backlinks are called off page SEO. They are considered the most important ranking factors for # 1 or # 2, so the future of your business depends on them. Next, we will use some better methods to obtain them.

Use blogs to publish high-quality chinese content

This is a favorite way to get Chinese backlinks, because as long as you publish valuable content and provide value, other websites will want to link to your chinese content. Always remember that you want to become an authority in your particular field or industry.

Create content in the form of a list

Readers like posts that contain lists. They are usually easy to read and informative. In addition, list titles are often attractive and interesting. By formatting your popular blog articles into a list, you can attract the interest of these readers to attract more attention, which is expected to bring more backlinks.

Use photos and videos in your content

Another good way to get high-quality Chinese backlinks is to use photos and videos. For example, this is considered visually driven content and is known to attract links. In fact, media such as infographics and videos are more effective in attracting high-quality backlinks. Adding cool graphics and videos to your posts will have unexpected effects.

Chinese link building

View websites that link to your competitors. You can use valuable Chinese backlink checking tools to study your competitors.

Once you have this information, please contact your competitors’ websites to show them your content and ask them to link to you. This is another good way for chinese link building.

Visitors post on other blogs

Look for high authority blogs with high domain authority (more than 30) ratings in your same or very similar market segments, and ask if you can write articles for their blogs. This is a good way for chinese link building.

Write comments

This is a good way to get high-quality Chinese backlinks and help someone at the same time. For example, you propose to write a review of another brand in exchange for obtaining a backlink to your website. Brands are often eager to comment on their websites.

This is a good course on how to get Chinese backlinks to your website by doing something good for others.

Share via social media

Sometimes it is difficult to determine how to use social media to obtain high-quality Chinese backlinks. The reason is that we actually do not know how much influence they have on Baidu to determine our ranking.

It should be clear that having a strong social media strategy will help increase traffic for your content, which is very useful for your Chinese link construction. It is also very suitable for your website SEO.

Therefore, sharing your content, making it easier for others to share your content, and helping your posts to be exposed on social media can and will improve your SEO.

Buy high weight backlinks

Buying backlinks is a good example of obtaining high-quality Chinese backlinks. Buy backlinks from a trusted Chinese link building service company, which only handles backlinks with high authority. Remember, quality always trumps quantity when it comes to backlinks.


This article is about some methods to obtain Chinese backlinks.

Most of them just create excellent content, provide value to target readers and solve problems. Excellent content is the best way to get backlinks. Keep consistent and wait patiently, because it takes some time to build the index before you start to see the benefits.



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