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Summary: Skin is the reflection of our health and vitality, physical, mental and emotional wellness. A radiant and glowing skin indicates good health, positive attitude and vibrates self-confidence. On the other hand, a dull and blemished skin shows an unhealthy body, stressful lifestyle and carelessness towards one's own personality.

The largest organ of the body is the skin and it is just right for us to take good care of it. There is no better way to do it but to use natural skin care. Essential oils, flowers herbs and roots are the usual ingredients used in natural skin care mixed with pure water, oil, preservatives or natural soap.

Without utilizing chemicals

Natural skin care uses components derived from nature, without utilizing chemicals to maintain the reliability. Many people around the world usually create their own natural skin care products at home using botanically based elements. There may be tales about some ingredients but studies have shown that components like Chamomile have anti-inflammatory and healing properties. Numerous people make use of natural skin care formula for skin therapy at home. These days many skin care salons and spas focus in utilizing skin care products developed from natural components. A number of companies in the past decade have been making natural skin care products thoroughly accessible to the public.

Helpful for hormonal imbalances

Skin is the most noticeable part of an individual and having healthy skin should be one of our main concerns. Research shows that skin types can actually change due to different health concerns, medical treatments and hormonal imbalances. This is very important to know so that it will be easy to find the natural skin care routine that is best for every skin products.

What is the best natural skin care? 

Here are some ideas to be of assistance in choosing the right natural skin care products for the diverse skin types.

    • Normal skin is neither too dry nor too oily and free from discoloration and blemishes. With normal skin, it is best to use chamomile, soy, rosemary, grape seed, lavender, sweet almond oil, cypress and camphor for treatment.
  • Dry skin is categorized if the skin is ashy, flaky and reduced of elasticity. The best treatment for dry skin are calendula, carrot seed, jasmine, rose hips, orange, avocado and rice bran. These herbal treatments are best for healthy skin improvement. Best natural morning routine skincare Australia can work for such type of skin. 
  • Oily skin has signs of shine, enlarged pores and slickness. With oily skin, best natural skin care treatments are hazelnut, cedar wood, lemon grass, geranium, thyme, patchouli, peppermint, refined coconut oil and olive.
  • Combination skin type is classified when there are parts of the face like the nose; chin and forehead are oily, while other parts like the jaw line and area close to hair have dry patches. Some of the best natural remedies with combination skin type are sweet orange, ylang-ylang, rosewood, jojoba and apricot.
  • You can determine if you have an acne-prone skin when you have outsized pores that usually suffer blackheads, clogging, cyst, redness and whiteheads. For acne-prone skin, the best natural treatments are lime, mint, grapefruit, tea tree oil, basil, coriander, manuka, grape seed and hazelnut.


Your skin is sensitive when it is usually prone to redness, rashes, irritation, and blemishes. Effective cures for this type of skin are almond, sesame, jasmine, rose, calendula, carrot and jojoba.

There are many natural skin care remedies available but the most helpful natural skin care treatment for the different skin types is water. Hydration of the skin is very important. Taking enough water for hydrating is very necessary for skin health. Natural way of caring for skin by eating right. It is good to follow Best Natural Cruelty Free Skincare Routine to get the best skin. Let's discuss some basic points:

Have lots of fiber

Eating food that is rich in fiber help a good digestion and constipation is totally taken care of. This eliminates the root of many skin problems like acne, psoriasis, spotty skin etc. we must have lots of fruits, fresh veggies, whole grains, and salad. The idea is to cut on processed food and fast food because these contain almost no fiber. Eating things in their natural form is the mantra to get the most benefit out of it.

Cut on excess sugar

The more we take sugar, the more sugar enters our bloodstream. Over some time, this results in a process where the glucose molecules damages protein molecule by sticking to it. This causes damage in collagen, cartilage and ligament, thus forming wrinkles.

Get some good fats

These are the fats needed to build cells, membrane, hormones etc. Lack of the good fat can lead to eczema, acne and dry skin. The sources to get these fats are cold-water fish, walnut oil, flaxseed oil, nuts; also you can try fish oil supplements.

There are many products, which can be bought from the market, manufactured by reputed companies. But best is to spend a little time and prepare some easy recipes for taking care of common skin problems and daily cleansing and toning. These are the basic ways of caring for skin naturally. The glow and radiance that comes with the natural care practice is for all to see and is everlasting.



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