1. Business


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This is to enable you to look at creating a six seven figure income business
in healthcare or whatever business you want to do actually it's about creating a healthy mindset of wealth to enable manifestation to happen into your life. This how you can create a wealthy mindset. We all say we want to be millionaires but why is this not working right now? This is also how my clients have hit seven figure consistent month after month after month and why is that.

This also includes some helpful tips of how you can create abundance and wealth mindset and you can learn all of this in simple as a few days so change your focus  in it to enable you to create a very strong mindset this will enable you to then focus on creating a successful business and this in turn will enable you to make seven figure business six seven figures in your Healthcare business.

  • Your mind will need to be transformed in order to create a successful business so millionaires have this mindset already. Now, what you need to do in order to have this mindset is to believe that it's true that you are a millionaire but don't look for the money first believe that you are a millionaire and then you will succeed at this so abundance is looking for you but not in your current state you have to change your mindset and believe that you are a millionaire and then you will find opportunities coming to you at all angles and you'll be able to find these opportunities which are sustainable and that you'll be able to create and start your Healthcare business in this mindset model so don't look at where you are now look at where you want to be and see yourself in that higher state as your higher self and that is where you start to change your mindset.
  •  When you're starting a healthcare business look at the lower value contracts because that contract is the first step to help you and when you start to look at these smaller contracts subcontracts you'll be able to use them as a reference they'll be able to give you a very good reference.
  • You can look at the larger contracts once you've been able to manage the smaller contracts because then you've got a proven track record to build your business around having a mental millionaire mindset because that will create success for you believe that you've got a million pound business and that you are a millionaire and then you are working towards that goal and it will happen things will follow and step by step you will get stronger and stronger and stronger and stronger and then you have created a seven six seven figure business before you know it but you have to start somewhere.
  • Some people they just want to jump straight to the top and be oh oh this isn't working because I want the big contracts I want the big money no don't look at money first get your mind strong work towards those smaller contracts, learn how to build a smaller business with smaller contracts and then you would get stronger and stronger and stronger each time because why would someone give you a large contract when you haven't even shown evidence that you've managed any kind of contract, so do bear that in mind. Build your mindset up yes you are a six seven figure business owner and you are there right now but you just got to follow the steps that you need to do in order to get to that status in reality in your mind you know that you are a millionaire or six seven figure business owner but in reality you have to work towards that goal and that's by picking up the smaller jobs getting stronger each time.
  • You see my seven figure clients they built their business from starting off with small value contracts subcontracts,
    they are now stepped into their power and they are a seven figure business. If you don't build your CEO muscle and your mindset first, then how can you cope with the larger physio business that you will have. You have to build up to that strength.

If you don't build your CEO muscle and your mindset first, then how can you cope with the larger physio business that you will have. You have to build up to that strength.

  • I've seen all too many often that clients or individual care providers are not willing to take the smaller contracts. They  want to jump straight into the bigger contracts and sometimes I've seen
    it the other way around where they've got a bigger contract that we've helped them to get and they can't cope with that so then it then ends up being given back to this to the buyer you don't want that for your business you want to be able to handle something and cope with it because it is a lot of responsibility so that's why it's important to build your CEO muscle to build your mindset have the right mindset so that you can accept abundance into your life and wealth but you have to be able to release and understand that you are there now, you have to see yourself in the higher state that you want to be in  order for you to grow and to get to that level so by faith in your mind you are there. You're just not there physically at the moment but you will get there because you will be building up your muscles so that you're physically able to cope with this abundance that you'll be given so what did I do what do my clients do they believed that although they were doing smaller contracts they believed that they were delivering a larger contract and they were getting stronger and stronger because they were able to cope with the smaller contracts and they were doing a really good job it.
  • I taught them how to run their Healthcare business as well it showed that they had evidence of managing a service and also showed evidence that they could service a large contract this is why we offer our three-day boot camps because we want you to build your CEO muscles we want you to be in the mindset that you are a business owner maybe you are a business owner right now that is struggling to get larger contracts and you want to be in the right mindset so that you can receive these larger contracts, we provide a step-by-step guide as well as the training that we do the care provider boot camps that we do which are held monthly and this teaches you how to build your CEO muscles and also how to have the right mindset in order to receive because you need to have that right mindset in order for you to grow right mindset in order for you to grow taking repeated steps in order to get your Healthcare business up and running and by knowledge and by the training that we provide you with. This is your guide as well as your steps to building your mindset to accept abundance and.

Let's build your CEO muscle with us! Book an appointment today here: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=18014297&appointmentType=37077102

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Website: https://www.startinganursingagency.co.uk/
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Email: info@christineblackledge.com
Telephone Number: 01903 898135

𝑺𝑨𝑳𝑬𝑺 𝑷𝑶𝑷 𝑳𝒊𝒏𝒌: https://tinyurl.com/6najn69m
𝑳𝑰𝑺𝑻𝑬𝑵 𝑵𝑶𝑻𝑬𝑺 𝑳𝒊𝒏𝒌: https://tinyurl.com/4vphbe94
𝑨𝑴𝑨𝒁𝑶𝑵 𝑴𝑼𝑺𝑰𝑪 𝑳𝒊𝒏𝒌: https://tinyurl.com/3hfftf3m



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