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It's no secret that ants love making their way into homes. These persistent pests enter through the tiniest cracks and crevices, lured by the promise of food and shelter. Ant infestations in houses are extraordinarily common in households across the country.

The key is addressing an ant problem quickly and effectively. Given the chance, ants will rapidly multiply and become exponentially harder to eliminate. By taking swift action at the first signs of ants, you can get ahead of the infestation while it is still manageable.

This prevents extensive habitat-building inside walls or floors. The quick intervention also stops eggs from hatching and additional ants from following established pheromone trails into your home.

Here are the top tips on how to get rid of ants! 

Identifying the Type of Ant

When dealing with an ant problem, the very first step is confirming the species. There are hundreds of ant species, so identification guides narrowing it down based on color, size, and other attributes are invaluable. Proper identification enables us to understand how to get rid of ants and identify the treatment method that will be most effective for that particular type of ant. 

For instance, odorous house ants detest the scent of mint, making them easy to repel with mint oil. But this trick does nothing against tiny sugar ants which have an insatiable sweet tooth. When specific species information is lacking, ant baits offer a one-size-fits-all solution. Still, baits work faster when matched to known food preferences. 

Natural and Homemade Solutions

Natural insect repellents utilizing everyday household items provide pest control without introducing harsh toxins. Homemade ant deterrent remedies disrupt scent trails and block entry points to make your home inhospitable.

A simple vinegar and water mixture wiped along baseboards, windowsills, and anywhere else ants are spotted cleans up pheromone trails. Without chemical trails to follow, ants struggle to navigate areas and locate food. Lemon juice, cucumber slices, cinnamon, and coffee grounds create scents that overpower and confuse ants. Strong-smelling extracts like peppermint, eucalyptus, or tea tree oil act as natural repellents. 

Sprinkling diatomaceous earth, a powder made of crushed fossils, along possible ant access points slashes ants’ waxy outer coating on contact. This causes fatal dehydration while being completely non-toxic for children and pets once dry. Ants also detest citrus peels and won’t cross them, making perimeter lines of lemon peels an easy deterrent.

Using Baits and Chemical Treatments

Ant baits and chemical insecticides offer fast-acting elimination when paired with good sanitation and sealing practices. High-quality bait stations use pesticides far safer than sprays. Strategic indoor and outdoor placement targets ants without exposing people or pets.

When using chemical ant killers, carefully follow all label precautions to avoid health risks from misapplication. Restrict use to cracks, crevices, and out-of-reach areas instead of exposed surfaces. Sprays seem convenient yet distribute chemicals widely. Applications around ant nests work best while also limiting contamination. 

Note bait stations function slowly – ants return to the colony before dying so no corpses pile up immediately. Combining baits and thorough prevention measures is the best option! 

Keeping Your Home Clean

Without access to sugary treats or leftover crumbs, ants lose the incentive to enter and remain in your household. 

Quickly clearing food debris, wiping down eating areas, and sweeping under appliance edges get rid of tiny bits of food ants' target. Crumbs collecting between couch cushions or underneath rugs should also be cleaned. 

It is important to store all food in tightly sealed containers. Garbage cans should have locking lids. Air tightness removes scent molecules so ants can’t detect goodies inside. Refrigeration also masks food odors while keeping items fresh! 


If ants have made themselves at home in your home, prompt treatment is key before they multiply and infest areas throughout your home. Partner with Dale's Pest Control to deal with ant infestation in the home!

Our pest control service specialists use low-impact, non-toxic treatments targeted to get rid of ants at the source. These safe methods won't compromise the safety of children or animals in your household.

We develop a custom treatment plan suited to eradicate pests with the least amount of disruption to your daily routine. We find long-term solutions tailored to your situation! Our prompt, affordable ant removal services prioritize effective, lasting results from day one. Contact us today!

Disclaimer- The information provided in this content is just for educational purposes and is written by a professional writer. Consult us to learn more about how to get rid of ants.
