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Bed bug infestation is incredibly stressful. Permanent removal of bed bugs requires a proactive approach when it comes to treatment and prevention, and a home that’s pest-free is a sanctuary that will cultivate your peace of mind.

Here are some ways to get rid of bed bugs – without losing your mind.

Don’t worry

What’s the first step in losing your mind? Worrying too much. So don’t think too much about these critters, because with the right tools and treatment, your home’s safety is ensured. There are a few DIY methods in bed bug removal, but professional help also comes in handy when you need more assurance.

Watch for signs of infestation

Have you been getting raised, red bumps that follow a zigzag pattern? Are these bumps itchy? You may have been unaware of bed bugs in your home until they’ve begun feasting on you. Apart from their bites, another sign of bed bugs is dark red spots the size of a period found on your beddings, fabrics, or mattresses, and these could be their fecal matter.

Deep clean your mattress

They’re called bed bugs for a reason; they’re commonly found on mattresses and beds. Try to vacuum every side of the mattress, top, bottom, and all sides. Afterward, steam cleans your mattress often, so the heat can kill bed bugs and their eggs. This is a non-toxic solution that’s a good fit for less extensive infestations.

Fill in cracks and crevices

Miniscule cracks are practically heaven for bed bugs. They can build their nests within cracks and even in lifting wallpaper. Go from room to room in your home and thoroughly inspect the walls for damage. Glue down wallpaper to seal lifting edges and fill in all wall cracks with plaster. Use caulk to seal cracks around baseboards, electrical outlets, light sockets, and furniture. This way, bed bugs can’t make a nest in them.

Find pest control services

DIY bed bug treatments can work if done right. But they aren’t as effective as professional bed bug removal. Look for pest control services in your area just in case you need help in the future. Keep in mind those companies with good reviews and years of experience too. A good team will evaluate the infestation in your home and make a treatment plan to remove all bugs and keep your home safe.

Get regular inspections

Bed bug infestation can take as long as weeks to be completely removed. As mentioned before, the key to achieving a pest-free home involves a proactive approach to treatment and prevention. Start by scheduling regular inspections with bed bug professionals. Follow their instructions as best as you can and monitor your home frequently. Keep an eye on the infested area once a week in case you notice new signs of bed bug activity.


Dealing with bed bug infestations is no easy feat. It takes time to completely get rid of them, and even some money when it comes to seeking help from bed bug professionals. But with a proactive approach in termination and prevention, you’re all set for a bed bug-free home.

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