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Tattoos and piercing are trendy, fashionable and totally hot today. However, no one knows how long they will stay this way and what piercing numbing cream to use before undergoing the process. Many of us hesitate to get a tattoo due to the permanent nature of it.

People who already have a tattoo may have some concerns about removing it and have to choose a tattoo removal method. Don't worry, there are many different tattoo removal techniques and different types of numbing cream for piercing that can completely remove all traces of a tattoo from your skin. Now you can get tattooed anytime because tattoo removal solution is at your fingertips if you change your mind.

Laser tattoo removal is one of the most common and efficient removal methods used. The doctor applies a cream to the tattoo and the surrounding area to numb it. The tattoo ink is broken into small pieces using a laser beam. These broken pieces are then removed by what we call “scavenger cells” in your body. Keep in mind that you tattoo may not be removed in one session using this method. It actually takes three or more sittings to completely remove a tattoo from your body using laser removal techniques.

Different methods of tattoo removal and piercing

Another method of tattoo removal is through the use of specially formulated skin creams. Some tattoo removal creams are available over the counter and can be applied to the tattoo patch. This cream contains trichloroacetic acid which promotes exfoliation of the skin. By peeling off the tattooed skin in this way, it is eventually completely removed. Cream treatments may take longer than laser removal, but this method is also proven to be painless.

Abrasion is another procedure used for tattoo removal, although it is relatively unpleasant compared to other options. In celebration, the practitioner uses water and granulated salt to remove the tattoo by incising the skin. This process is recommended for use on leg, arm and groin tattoos.

Another tattoo removal procedure that has not gained much popularity recently is called dermabrasion. This method is effective but produces more scar tissue than other removal techniques. Dermabrasion should not be used to remove tattoos from the face.

Camouflage, as the name suggests, is a tattoo removal procedure that hides the tattoo ink using a new pigment injected into the tattooed area. New ink or pigment is spread to effectively hide the existing tattoo.

Another method you can consider is scarification. This technique involves an acid wash to stain the tattooed area. This method permanently injures the skin and is not commonly used. A painless method of tattoo removal is surgical grafting. Being painless, it is one of the most common tattoo removal methods used worldwide. The healing process is what will break up the pigment. This process takes several sessions before your tattoo is removed.

One of the oldest methods used for tattoo removal is exfoliation. In this method, anaesthetic is used to numb the area. After this, a solution made up of water and salt is applied to the area. An abrasive tool, similar to that used in dermabrasion, is then used. Sometimes a simple block of wood covered in mist is used to purify the area. Once the area is red, it's time to apply a dressing to the area.



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