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Some children at pre primary schools in Kolkata interact more difficult, it's difficult for them to make friends and they don’t seem so open with those around them.

At one of the best English medium schools near Garia, we make sure that every child’s appetite for life and school reaches higher thresholds. Instead of criticizing him for refusing to answer a relative's question or why he doesn't make friends with other children at the playground, we recommend trying to talk openly with him about what concerns him and find or cultivate your passions in common.

Here are some recommendations from teachers of renowned schools near GolfGarden that will develop the child's communication and adaptation skills:


In our experience at one of the best English medium schools near Garia, a child imitates the behaviour of adults, so it's in vain that you force the child to read Jules Verne if you just scroll through online articles on your phone. You can order fiction books and read in tandem, he the readings appropriate for his age, you, the new volumes, bestsellers that will captivate your attention and make you not let them go. Then everyone can tell the other what they liked in the book, what caught their attention, a scene or a character, or a place described by the author. Thus, not only will the little one develops his oral expression skills, but he will communicate much more easily, based on the challenge of a certain topic. At the best pre primary schools in Kolkata, teachers suggest that children exchange books with their colleagues and try the same exercise, possibly discussing the same reference, whether it is the Harry Potter series or books they study in school. Thus, not only will they communicate effectively, but they will make friends with those who have similar passions.

 Vocational courses

 If your child would like to learn to play the guitar or take photos, you can take an interest in a vocational course. The range of offers in the schools near GolfGarden is very generous, you will even find programming, robotics or modelling workshops. The important thing is that it should be his choice, and not yours. Otherwise, the probability of giving up in a short time is very high. On the other hand, if he opts for something on his own, then you might be surprised by your child’s determination. In addition to the knowledge and skills in the chosen field, the child will make friends with other children, develop a sense of belonging to a new group and communicate much more easily with those around him. Do not impose unrealistic standards, or pressure on performance, because it is not a desirable approach that leads to the result of your projections. It is essential that the little one enjoys what he does, uses his free time intelligently and forms a group of friends of his age.

 Regardless of the chosen method, it is good to be your child's friend, to ask his opinion every time in a situation that affects him and not only, and to show him appreciation every day. Thus, the little one will not have integration problems, and if he is in a block of this kind, he will overcome it brilliantly.

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