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Are you anxious about whether your kid is progressing in the current school or curriculum? And if yes, you might also be concerned about putting your child in a different environment.

To answer your question honestly, four (the age) is not too late to switch to a different course or curriculum, and it is certainly not too late if you are considering a Montessori school. Despite this, there will be certain types of difficulties that you and your child will be able to overcome together.

Here's how you can assist your child during this time of transition.

Let them know the positive changes

You shouldn't keep your child in the dark about why they are being forced to leave their friends and enter a completely new world. You are the parent, and you are responsible for making decisions that are in the best interests of your child. The importance of explaining or informing them about some of the positive differences that they will be experiencing in the new school cannot be overstated.

Inform them of things that will pique their interest in the new things they will learn at the new school. You can ask them what they enjoy doing and inform them that the Montessori school will allow them to participate in such activities while they are learning.


Help them with what to expect

Children have a fear of the unknown (which, of course, is not restricted to children alone). But you can help them reduce this fear by telling them what they would like to learn in the new school. You can tell them what happens in Montessori school every day, what kind of activities the children do, what kind of rules they must follow, or even what kind of teachers or classmates they will meet.

This helps them visualise their first day and helps them stay mentally prepared throughout the day. If your child has any reservations, they will come to you and ask you questions. You will also find out if they have any concerns or other types of fears about starting at their new school, which you can address.


Visit the school campus with your child before the term begins

Take your child to visit the school campus so that they are at least familiar with the school boundary. And when they enter the school on the first day, everything unknown will not completely overwhelm them.

The more familiar and comfortable they feel, the more they will feel at ease with the boundary and eventually have an easier time connecting with their new teachers or classmates.



 It is totally okay for a parent to be concerned about how their child is doing in school. This is why Rise Montessori, which is a Montessori nursery in Pinner, works with parents to bring the best possible development for their children. They often update the parents with their children's progress.


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