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QuickBooks Users can file an amended tax form in the case of both Federal 941 and 940 in QuickBooks Desktop Payroll. The QuickBooks Desktop Payroll new version lets QuickBooks users file their amended tax returns without any hassle. But sometimes, while working on the application, the users come across QuickBooks form 941 Error, making it impossible to do their work, and it becomes the need of the hour to quickly rectify this error. This guide will be helpful to you if you are also suffering from this error as it mentions the easy steps to resolve the same along with the steps to amend Form 940 as well.

We can provide you with step-by-step guidance to make the process easier; all you need to do is give us a quick call at +1(855)-738-0359.

Effective Solution to Resolve QuickBooks Error Printing 941 Form

In case you are experiencing an error in Printing Federal Form 941, then it might be because of the incorrect setup of the filing method and you can follow these steps to rectify it.

Read More – How to Resolve Quickbooks Missing PDF Component 

Solution 1: Re-Verify the Filing Method

The first solution is to re-verify the filing method by implementing these steps.

  • First, access QuickBooks, and from under the Employees tab, click Payroll Tax Forms & W-2s.
  • Now choose Process Payroll Forms, and then from under the File Forms tab, click Change Filing Method from the Other Activities section.
  • Next, follow the instructions displayed on the screen and click Continue.
  • Select form 941 from the list, click Edit, then click Print and Mail from the Filing Method options.
  • Hit Finish and try to send the form once again, and if the error is resolved, then visit the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System and submit your payment form directly to the IRS.

Solution 2: Update QuickBooks Payroll to rectify the error 

Installing the recent updates of payroll resolves most of the general errors related to tax filing. 

  • Once you have updated the QuickBooks payroll, try to print the tax forms once again.
  • From QuickBooks Desktop, head to the Employees tab and select Payroll Tax Forms and W-2s.
  • Now choose Process Payroll Forms, and from under the Payroll Center, tap on the File Forms tab.
  • Now choose the form that you need to file, hit File Form, and select the form filing period.
  • Click OK and select Check for Errors, then review the form and correct any mistakes found.
  • Now tap on Submit Form and click the E-File button.
  • Lastly, follow the instructions displayed on the screen and submit the form.

Read More – How to Fix  QuickBooks Error 6131 0

Useful Steps to Amend Form 940 in QuickBooks 

The steps for amending Form 940 are the following.

  • Begin off by heading to the Employees tab and choosing the Payroll Tax Forms and W-2 forms.
  • Click on the Process Payroll Forms, then choose Annual Form 940/Sch.
  • Hit on the option to Create Form, and following that, enter the year of filing that needs to be corrected, and after that, hit on Ok.
  • Now choose the box corresponding to the Amended Return and hit on Next.
  • Next, verify the amounts on page 2 in order to verify whether the amounts entered are the ones that should be in the original form.
  • Lastly, the user should also provide all the relevant details regarding the reason behind amending the Federal form.

Wrapping Up!

We hope the aforementioned solutions helped you in resolving the QuickBooks form 941 Error successfully and completely. But we can understand that if that's not the case and the error continues to prompt. In such a scenario, we suggest you get in touch with our experts by calling us at +1(855)-738-0359.


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