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In today's business environment, security is a top priority. But as more and more applications are added to the mix, it can be difficult for IT departments to keep track of all of them. The solution? Implementing Single Sign On (SSO) in your organization can help simplify login processes and increase employee productivity.

Single Sign On allows you to use one set of login credentials to access multiple applications

Single Sign On (SSO) is a way to reduce the number of passwords you have to remember. It allows you to use one set of credentials to access multiple applications, which helps keep your information secure.

With SSO, users are redirected from any site where they've entered their username and password into an application that supports this feature. This allows them to continue using their current account without having to re enter their credentials each time they visit another site or application.

SSO can be implemented in many different ways. For example, it can be used with a single sign-on (SSO) application or through the use of a shared cookie. SSO applications are generally cloud-based, meaning they're accessible from any device and provide users with access to multiple sites or applications via one account.

SSO solutions can be purchased, or you can build your own

If you want to implement a single sign-on solution, it's important to know what kind of features are available and how much they'll cost.

  • Purchased SSO solutions are easier to implement than built SSO solutions because they come with pre-made software. They also have a longer life cycle (meaning less maintenance or upgrades needed) and are more secure as well. On the other hand, purchased SSO solutions tend to be more expensive than built ones because they require an expert in development and integration skills who can help make sure everything works properly from the start.
  • Built SSO solutions allow users full customization over their experience on your site—from changing login pages or adding buttons that open different parts of your website when clicked on by users without having them re-enter their credentials each time they log into their account again after logging out.

Implementing SSO can improve employee productivity, reduce password fatigue and help enforce security policies

Implementing SSO can improve employee productivity, reduce password fatigue and help enforce security policies.

  • Reduce the number of passwords employees need to remember: One of the biggest benefits of implementing single sign-on is that it reduces the number of passwords employees need to remember. When you use a single sign-on system, you only have one set of credentials for your users — meaning there's no need for them to memorize different usernames and passwords for applications. This can cut down on work time spent logging into these applications as well as reducing frustration when someone forgets their username or password (or both).
  • Reduce how long it takes employees to login: Another benefit of SSO is that it reduces how long it takes employees who use multiple devices (such as desktops/laptops) at once look up their user ID and password before they can log onto an application because they don't have any restrictions placed on which devices they want access from based upon location/location services settings etc.

Single Sign On Authentication Flow

Single Sign On (SSO) is a web-based authentication mechanism that allows users to log in once, and access all the applications they need to use. It uses a token to authenticate users.

When you implement SSO, you can use an existing account or create an entirely new one with your preferred identity provider (IdP). The IdP has access to data about your employees' identities, such as their names and contact information. The second step of implementing SSO is generating the tokens that will be used by other applications on your network to allow them access when someone logs in through those apps.

Choosing a SSO Solution

Choosing a SSO solution is a big decision, and you need to be sure it will fit your business needs.

Here are some things to consider:

  • Do you want to use an existing solution or create your own? If you already have an existing system in place that works well, then go ahead and continue using it. Otherwise, learn more about the various types of SSO solutions available today so that you can choose the right one for your company.
  • What will be the purpose of implementing single sign-on? Will it be used just for employees' logins or will multiple users access different systems at once (like Salesforce)? If so, then look at how many users there are who will need access across different platforms . The more people involved in this process means longer waits until they're able to log into their favorite apps again!

Making the Business Case for SSO

Implementing SSO is a great way to simplify your business. It will improve security and reduce complexity, which means you can focus on what matters most in the long term: your company's bottom line.

  • Reduce complexity: SSO helps employees save time by allowing them to use their existing credentials from one system when signing into another, making it easier for them to switch between applications without having multiple passwords for each one.
  • Improve employee productivity: When employees have one username and password for all of their devices, they'll be able to access all of the data they need more quickly than before—which means fewer errors and less frustration during every part of their day at work!

Implementing a Single Sign On Process reduces complexity and improves security

Implementing a Single Sign On Process reduces complexity and improves security.

  • It reduces the number of passwords you need to remember, which in turn makes it easier for your users to log into their accounts across multiple applications. This can also reduce the risk of thieves stealing your company’s data as they don’t have access to every single one of your accounts when they hack into one of them.
  • It provides a seamless experience for users by letting them access their favorite web services using just one login credential rather than having to type in dozens of different usernames and passwords whenever they want something done on an app or website.
  • A centralized authentication system helps ensure that all employees within an organization use the same method for accessing online resources—a process called Single Sign On (SSO). With this approach, there’s only one sign-in point where everything happens; this means fewer points of failure during business operations because all systems rely on one main server instead of many individual servers located throughout different parts of an office building.


Implementing a Single Sign On process is important for any business and can bring many benefits. If you are new to SSO and want to learn more about how it works, then check out our other blog posts which have detailed explanations of all the steps involved in implementing an SSO solution.


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