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How to Maintain Your Access Equipment to Ensure Longevity and Safety

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Proper maintenance of access equipment is not just a regulatory requirement; it's a cornerstone of operational safety and equipment longevity. Whether you’re using scissor lifts, boom lifts, cherry pickers, or any other type of elevated work platforms (EWP), a robust maintenance regime ensures that the machinery operates efficiently and continues to provide safe access for construction, maintenance, and warehousing tasks.

Every piece of access equipment, regardless of its type or the frequency of use, requires a disciplined approach to maintenance. Regular check-ups and preventive maintenance not only extend the life of these machines but also significantly enhance safety on site. In the following paragraphs, we explore several key aspects of maintaining your access equipment effectively, tailored to the needs and standards expected in New Zealand.

The initial step in maintaining access equipment is to adhere strictly to the manufacturer's guidelines. Every machine comes with a detailed manual that outlines specific maintenance schedules and procedures. These guidelines are crafted based on rigorous testing and deep knowledge of the equipment's engineering requirements. By following these instructions, operators can ensure that they are addressing all the critical maintenance needs that keep the equipment in top working order.

Regular cleaning of the equipment plays a surprisingly pivotal role in its maintenance. Dust, dirt, and debris can accumulate in critical areas of machinery, such as the joints, gears, and hydraulic systems, potentially leading to premature wear and tear. In environments like construction sites where the equipment is exposed to extensive dirt and particulate matter, it's crucial to implement a regular cleaning schedule. Doing so not only prolongs the equipment's life but also provides an opportunity for operators to inspect the machinery for any signs of damage or wear that could impair its function.

Preventive maintenance checks are a must. These should be as frequent as the manufacturer recommends, if not more so, depending on the usage patterns and environmental conditions. Regular inspections can catch issues before they turn into serious problems, thereby avoiding costly repairs and downtime. Key components that need regular checks include the hydraulic system, electrical components, and structural integrity of the machine. For instance, checking for hydraulic fluid leaks and ensuring that all electrical connections are secure can prevent failures during operation.

Lubrication of moving parts is another crucial maintenance task. Proper lubrication reduces friction, which in turn minimises wear and extends the life of the machinery. Each piece of equipment will have different lubrication points and requirements, detailed in the manufacturer's manual. Using the correct type of lubricant is just as important as the act of lubrication itself, as different machinery may require different lubricants based on the operational load and environmental conditions.

In addition to maintaining the hardware, it's equally important to ensure that all software or firmware used in the equipment is up to date. Modern access equipment often comes equipped with digital controls and software that need updates to function correctly. These updates can enhance functionality, introduce new safety features, and correct errors that might affect performance.

Operator training must also be part of a comprehensive maintenance strategy. Well-trained operators are more likely to use equipment correctly, which reduces the risk of mishandling that could lead to mechanical failures. Training should cover not only the correct operation of the machinery but also familiarisation with emergency procedures and the ability to recognise signs of potential problems.

The environment in which the equipment operates also influences its maintenance needs. Equipment used on muddy or unstable sites, for instance, may require more frequent checks and cleaning compared to machinery used indoors in a warehouse. Consideration of the environmental impact can lead to more tailored maintenance procedures which better suit the conditions, thereby enhancing safety and operational efficiency.

Documentation of all maintenance activities is another fundamental aspect. Keeping detailed records helps in tracking the maintenance history of each piece of equipment, facilitating timely maintenance checks and proving compliance with safety regulations. These records can also be invaluable in diagnosing recurrent issues or planning for future upgrades or replacements.

Finally, part of maintaining access equipment is knowing when to retire it. Despite the best maintenance practices, every piece of machinery has a functional lifespan after which it becomes unsafe and uneconomical to operate. Recognising the signs of equipment reaching this stage is crucial to maintaining workplace safety and operational efficiency.

Adhering to these maintenance practices not only ensures that access equipment remains safe and operational but also maximises its lifespan, offering better returns on investment. For New Zealand businesses that rely on such equipment, embedding these practices into their operational protocols is essential, ensuring they meet both the legal and practical requirements of their industries.

In conclusion, maintaining access equipment in top condition is a multifaceted approach involving adherence to manufacturer guidelines, regular preventive maintenance, operator training, and environmental considerations. By investing in these areas, businesses can ensure their equipment serves them well for many years, supporting safe and efficient operations across New Zealand’s diverse industrial landscape.



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