How to make camping as enjoyable as possible

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In this era of phones and games and video games, going old school takes some real courage. Going a couple of days without phones means either you are done with social media or invested in something. When camping it’s important to commit to the trip and embrace the old school values. It helps you to stay away from phones and show you some of the fun you can have in nature. It is a common problem among Gen Z people, but millennials also suffer from the same problems with technology. But unlike the previous generation, the new one only grew up around phones and knew them to be the only source of entertainment.

Camping ideas that will make it more fun

Hence it is important to go back to nature once in a while. And sometimes, in doing so, you will have to give some things up. For example, if you want to have some old-school fun with camping, you will have to give up the privilege of social media and phones. Yes, it kind of sounds boring in theory, but it only takes a couple of hours to get used to it. However, the craving should still be there if you do not have proper fun using your camping swags. Therefore, here are some ways you can go camping without your phone and still have an awesome experience. 

Go with the people that make you happy

When children start to grow older, they detach from their families. But parents are reluctant for their children to leave the nest. Hence sometimes, they would force you to attend camping or other picnics. If you have no way out, at least find some good friends and go with them. If you like your friends and enjoy hanging out with them, you have no reason to look for other methods to have fun. Good company always wins over gadgets.

Do not be irresponsible, but then again, do not be afraid to take risks.

Camping comes with a lot of responsibilities. You will be living in the wild or at least away from your comfort zone. In your camping swag you can leave the tent at home and sleep completely in nature. In such cases, you need to be sure that you are taking responsibility. That means being prepared for anything. However, that does not mean that you will leave no room for fun and spontaneity. Thus, find the balance between taking some risks and going back to your camping swag on time.

Find the venue

The important thing about camping is the location. The view you will have under the stars is something that you will cherish always. Therefore, it is very important to find a good venue. It is always best to visit the place beforehand and look for nearby washrooms and amenities. Having a slightly hilly surface overlooking the forest or the city is the ideal place for camping swags.

Cook and eat good food

One of the best parts about going camping with your friends and loved ones is increasing the bond. That cannot be done without making some delicious food. You will make mistakes and share a lot of laughs in the process. Ultimately, you will have the best food of your life because you made it, and it was worth it.


Camping means singing songs and making friends. It also means taking a break from the virtual world. But you should be prepared for anything. And if one of that anything is gear for camping, then you should visit camping swags and check out their range. Not only will you get quality products but also have fast delivery.