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It can be really frustrating when someone you don't want to talk to keeps messaging you. If you're looking for a way to make it seem like you blocked them, there are a few things you can do. First, try changing your privacy settings so that only people who are your friends can message you.

This will prevent the person from being able to send you messages directly. You can also try ignoring the person's messages and not responding to them at all. This will usually make the person get the hint that you're not interested in talking to them and they'll eventually stop messaging you.

Finally, if nothing else works, you can always block the person directly from your account.

  • Go to the person's profile that you want to make it seem like you blocked
  • Click on the three dots in the top right corner of their profile
  • Select “Block” from the dropdown menu that appears
  • Confirm that you want to block the person by clicking “Block” again when prompted
  • The person will now be blocked and you will no longer be able to see their posts or have them see yours if they search for you specifically

How Can I Let Someone Know I Blocked Them?

There are a few ways to let someone know you blocked them. The most common is probably to just tell them outright. You could also send them a message saying something like, “I'm sorry, but I don't want to talk to you anymore.”

If they try to contact you after that, they'll see that you've blocked them. Finally, if you're on social media, you can block someone directly from your account settings.

What Does It Look Like When You Block a Person?

When you block someone on social media, it means that you are preventing that person from seeing your posts or contacting you. Depending on the platform, the person may still be able to see your profile or search for your name, but they will not be able to interact with you in any way. Blocking someone is a pretty big deal, and it's usually only done when there is some sort of conflict or harassment going on.

If you've been harassed or bullied by someone online, blocking them is a good way to take back control and stop the abuse. Of course, blocking someone doesn't always solve the problem. The person may create a new account and start harassing you again.

But it can give you some peace of mind in the meantime and make it easier to ignore them.

Can You Temporarily Block Someone?

The ability to block someone on social media platforms is a valuable tool for managing online interactions. Blocking allows users to control what content they see from other users and can protect them from harassment or unwanted contact. However, the question of whether blocking someone is permanent or temporary is one that confuses many people.

The answer depends on the platform you are using. For example, on Facebook, once you block someone, they are permanently blocked from viewing your profile or contacting you in any way. However, on Twitter, blocking only temporarily prevents another user from viewing your tweets and interacting with you.

Once you unblock them, they will be able to see your tweets again and reply to them if they so choose. So, in short, whether or not blocking someone is temporary or permanent depends on the social media platform you are using. If you want to ensure that someone is completely unable to view your profile or contact you in any way, then blocking them on Facebook is the best option.

However, if you only want to prevent someone from seeing your tweets for a short period of time, then blocking them on Twitter will suffice.

How Do You Block a Person Without Knowing Them?

There are a few ways that you can block someone without knowing them. The first way is to use a blocking feature on a social media platform. For example, on Facebook, you can block someone by going to their profile and clicking the three dots in the top right corner of their cover photo.

Then click “Block” from the drop-down menu. On Twitter, you can block someone by going to their profile and clicking the gear icon. Then click “Block or report @username” from the drop-down menu.

Another way to block someone without knowing them is to use an app or website blocker. There are many different blockers available, but they all work in basically the same way. You add websites or apps that you want to be blocked, and then when you try to access those sites or apps, they are prevented from loading.

This can be helpful if you find yourself spending too much time on certain sites or if there are certain sites that are particularly distracting for you. Finally, you can also use a physical barrier such as putting up a privacy screen on your computer monitor or using earbuds so that you cannot hear people around you talking. This can be helpful if there are people in your office or workspace who tend to be disruptive or if you simply need some peace and quiet in order to focus.

How to Make It Seem Like You Blocked Someone on Whatsapp

If you want to make it seem like you blocked someone on WhatsApp, there are a few things you can do. First, you can delete their contact information from your phone. This will prevent them from being able to see your profile picture, status, and last-seen information.

You can also stop responding to their messages and calls. If they try to reach out to you, don't respond at all. Eventually, they'll get the hint that you've blocked them.


It can be really satisfying to make someone think you've blocked them on social media- especially if they're constantly messaging you or posting annoying things. There are a few different ways you can do this, depending on the platform. On Facebook, you can unfriend or block someone.

If you unfriend someone, they can still see your profile and post on it, but they won't show up in your friend list. If you block someone, they can't see anything related to you at all. You can also turn off chat so that even if you're friends with someone, they won't be able to message you.

On Instagram, you can either block or mute someone. Blocking them means they won't be able to see your profile or interact with it in any way; muting them just means their posts won't show up in your feed and they won't be able to send you direct messages. Twitter works similarly- blocking someone prevents them from seeing anything related to your account, while muting makes their tweets invisible to you without them knowing.





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