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When designing a website, it's important to keep a few things in mind. Not all websites use the same layout and design techniques. For example, you shouldn't hide or obscure a button or link; it should be clear what it does. Fillable fields and generic stock photos should not be used unless they contain valuable information. Grid layouts can also be effective or ineffective depending on the way they're used. Read on to learn how to make the most of this design technique. Click for designs of websites.

Designing a website is a process

The first phase of designing a website focuses on gathering information and transforming it into reality. The main deliverables of the design process are a detailed documentation of the site's structure and visual representation. Once the basic structure, content, and special features are determined, the next phase involves the wireframe and design elements planning phase. Pencil and paper are essential tools during this phase, but many online tools can be used as well.

During the coding phase, developers begin writing HTML and CSS code for the site. They then implement interactive elements, such as jQuery, and load the content on the site. Throughout this process, communication with the client should remain constant. Any changes or additions that will affect the site's functionality will need to be communicated to the client as they take shape. Once the website has been developed, it is critical to test the site to ensure that it is working properly and doesn't cause any issues in the future.

There are many styles

Today, there are approximately 1.7 billion websites and 4.2 billion people browsing the Internet. Increasingly, people are turning to the internet to build their careers. As a beginner, it can be intimidating to decide which idea to go with, but there are several different styles to consider. A blog, for example, is a great place to share life updates. Depending on the style, it can also be monetized through advertising space.

They all have similarities

If you have noticed, most major websites are similar in appearance. The main reasons are aesthetic trends and uniformity of suggestions in web design guides and courses. These elements result in a trend of similar aesthetic choices, which may be a good thing or a bad one. Often, the big players stick to similar aesthetic choices and avoid risking their design budgets. But are they? The same research shows that most big players do not want to risk compromising usability and conversion rates for a certain aesthetic.

They all have similarities and differences

Despite the fact that designs of websites can vary considerably, there are certain aspects of design that are universally appealing. One of the most obvious similarities is the use of libraries. Libraries feature generic code and functions such as sliding in the hamburger menu or resizing a page for mobile devices. This makes websites appear more similar as a result. Some popular libraries used by web designers include Bootstrap, FontAwesome, JQuery UI, SWFObject, and jQuery Tools.


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