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If you want to keep the work email and Word docs separate through the games you play after hours, you can turn to virtual desktops in Windows, which closes the groups of applications, making them simple to manage. If you are curious about how to do it, then you can read the whole blog carefully.

See the Virtual Desktops on Windows 11

Firstly, you can manage the desktops by selecting the Desktops button over the taskbar. It resembles two gray boxes which will show all the launch programs and any virtual desktops you have made. Windows 11 also offers a rollover function that allows you to move the cursor on the desktops button to see existing desktops, rearrange them and make new ones.

Make New Desktops on Windows 11

Select the ‘New desktop’ tab if you want to make a desktop, and a fresh desktop will be added to the list. You can see the fresh desktop will be blank, but any launch programs you are utilizing are still invoked on the earlier desktop.

Rename the New Desktops on Windows 11

If you would like to change the name of the desktops, select the default name inside the small preview picture and input a new name. For example, label their particular project.

Reorder the Desktops on Windows 11

With several desktops, it may turn challenging to tell them apart. After that, organize launch desktops by moving them into the desired order through the list over the lower side of the screen, or you can right-click on the desktop and choose the ‘Move right’ option to modify the order.

Modify the Backgrounds on the Desktops on Windows 11

There are several methods to differentiate between virtual desktops, and Windows 11 allows you to add a custom background to everyone. Then you should right-click on the desktop and pick the ‘Choose background’ to invoke a Background menu for that desktop. Once you have done, select the background, or upload your own, then the background for that desktop will modify, while other launch desktops retain their default backgrounds.

Have Windows Show Across Desktops on Windows 11

The programs are kept distinct from those on other desktops. You could have several buttons launched in MS Edge on one desktop, say, for work, and then go to a fresh desktop and throw a suitably different set of MS Edge tabs for personal use.

If you would like a particular screen to be applicable across several desktops, invoke the Desktops view, right-click on the application and choose the ‘Show this window on all desktops’ option. Now, selecting the ‘Show windows from this app on all desktops’ option will do the same for each launch version of the application.

Move Applications into Different Desktop on Windows 11

You should launch an application from a desktop that can be moved to a different launch desktop for simple reorganization. If you shut a desktop with invoke programs, they will be automatically dragged to the next applicable desktop.

Customize Quick-View Taskbar Settings on Windows 11

If you would like to invoke application inside the taskbar to surface screens from across the desktops once you select the Settings > System > Multitasking > Desktops > On the taskbar, show all the open windows > On all desktops options. Now, you can adjust the ‘Alt + Tab’ keyboard shortcut to surface all screens from every desktop too.

Add or Remove the Desktops Icon on Windows 11

By default, Windows 11 adds the Desktop icons to the system taskbar, but whether you don’t wish it is taking up space, right-click over the taskbar beside the ‘Task View’ option, delete the icon or add it again. Once you have done so, the shortcuts of the keyboard will continue to function, whether or not the Desktop icon appears.

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