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A sprained ankle can put a stop to your life, as it is a painful condition that prevents you from walking or moving around as you normally would.

It normally heals in a few weeks, but the exact length of time depends on the degree of the sprain. Massaging your ankle is one method for hastening your healing.

However, knowing when and how to do it right is critical.

Should you massage a sprained ankle?

Massaging the calf muscle can enhance ankle flexibility and your ability to balance on the ankle joint.

But what about assisting a recently hurt ankle?

According to some experts, massaging may lessen ankle pain and swelling. Certain techniques may even aid in the breakdown of scar tissue.

When can you start massaging a sprained ankle?

The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAO) recommends that you immobilize (avoid moving) the damaged ankle and rest it as much as possible in the first few days after spraining it.

According to the AAO, swelling, and pain from smaller sprains will last an average of 2 to 3 days. To alleviate discomfort, take a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication (NSAID).

The acronym “RICE” may assist you in remembering what to do:

  • Rest and avoid putting weight on the injured ankle.
  • Ice the ankle for a short time to reduce swelling.
  • Compression wraps can aid in immobilizing and supporting the ankle, as well as reducing edema.
  • Elevate your ankle as much as possible above your heart within the first 48 hours following the accident.

Following this first phase, your doctor may advise you to begin some exercises to increase your flexibility, strength, and balance.

You can try some massage techniques about 72 hours after the accident to relieve discomfort and stimulate blood flow to the area.

How to massage a sprained ankle

You could be apprehensive about massaging an injured body part. In such a situation, you can always discuss the benefits of self-massage versus having someone else massage your sprained ankle with your healthcare staff.

If they indicate you can attempt it on your own, follow these steps:

  1. Begin by moving in gentle circular motions around the affected joint.
  2. Be extremely gentle to avoid causing further discomfort. You can use your fingertips to provide gentle pressure.
  3. After around seven days, you could try a new massage technique called cross-friction massage. This more advanced approach is aimed to decrease or prevent the production of scar tissue.
  4. Massage in the direction perpendicular to the ligament with one or two fingers on one hand. Simply push down, back and forth, across the ligament toward the back of the heel.

You could also try massaging the calf muscle above the ankle, which can involve a variety of techniques, including:

  • You may use effleurage to warm up the calf muscle and promote blood circulation at the start of a massage session. Make long, soft strokes along the length of the calf with your palm.
  • Petrissage is the use of alternating muscles in both hands to squeeze and release to warm up the muscles further. This technique is sometimes referred to as kneading.
  • Tapotement is another technique that can be used. This entails striking the muscle with your hand. A friction technique employs pressure to break down scar tissue or disperse muscular knots.

Extra tips

You may feel some discomfort during the massage, especially during the cross-friction portion. But the most important thing is to avoid causing pain. You may not benefit from massaging the area around your ankle if you find yourself constricting or flinching while doing so.

If you're nervous about massaging your ankle, consult your doctor or physical therapist for advice.


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