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Parties are fun. But organising one? Well, not so much. From picking the right venue to packing up stuff when everything’s done, it's an endless list of responsibilities that are equally important. The biggest of them all? Keeping it low-key! And one can ever be too careful when it comes to managing events. No matter how cautious you are about things, there are certain things you can only learn with time. Here’s what I’ve learnt from my experience as ‘that’ person at the workplace responsible for organising all the events.


Closing in on the right venue

From an intimate gathering to a full blown party, the first thing that needs to be done is to decide upon a venue everyone is comfortable with. In a city like Sydney, there are plenty of options to choose from – from a karaoke room to a private harbour cruise on Sydney Harbour, the choices are endless. Depending on the kind of crowd you're dealing with, you can pick any venue that suits you. One of the ideal options is a private boat hire in Sydney simply because of the ease of convenience it offers. Not only is it secluded from the crowds of the city, it's the perfect space to be oneself.


Preparing the guest list 

Another important thing that often gets overlooked when it comes to party planning is the number of guests expected. No matter when the party is, there are going to be a few people who are not gonna turn up. It is something that happens quite often than you think and yet something everyone is unprepared for. So how do we deal with this? Send an RSVP reminder to the party invite. With many tools available online, it is easier than ever to keep track of the invites. Though you can’t demand people to respond the same day they receive the invites, going online will help you to keep track of the invites and figure out your final guest list.


Getting the right team with you

A good idea is rare but a good execution is rarer. And if you want to host an event that’s gonna impress, you need some helping hands. It’s always good to have people support you especially when it comes to managing an event. Taking care of things single handedly is not always feasible. And you’re easily prone to miss out important details when you’re on your own. Hiring the right team lessens the burden  and is even more economical than hiring separate caterers for different elements of the party. If you’re sceptical about hiring a team for managing the event, it's time to throw those worries away. Because nothing hurts like a party gone bad.


Managing the surplus resources

No matter how inch-perfect the planning is, it is inevitable that some of the resources will go to waste. From food to party decorations, there are going to be plenty of things that are gonna be left behind to clean up. And it is the responsibility of the organiser to manage these resources in a conscious manner. So what are the ways you can manage these surplus resources? The excess food can be donated to charity. There are plenty of NGOs that collect surplus food from events and distribute it to those in need. And for the party decorations, one could opt for the eco-friendly alternatives, which are easy on the planet. From leaving out the balloons to switching to eco-friendly party decorations, every little step counts. So even if they aren’t reused, you can be less guilty of harming the planet.