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Even though it's a hard pill to swallow, most of us have unhappily experienced rejection.


Most of us have personally encountered rejection, whether it was for a job we applied for but didn't receive or a college we applied to but didn't get in.

No matter how hard you try to look on the bright side, hearing the words no and not interested does not feel good at all.


Everyone has a common fear of being rejected; it can break many hearts, make you cry, and instill a deep-seated fear in you that quickly sets in and is difficult to eradicate.


Feeling rejected becomes a barrier to your progress and pleasure. Overcoming rejection is a difficult task.


So, how to get over rejection?


Well, with some simple tricks, overcoming the fear of rejection can become very easy for you to do. So, read below to know all about fear of rejection and how to work at overcoming rejection.


Fear of rejection symptoms

Some symptoms and signs to look out for:


  • You are hesitant to voice your views because you worry about being judged and rejected. You make an effort to fit in because you want to feel like a member of the tribe.
  • You struggle to speak out for yourself and find it tough to refuse.
  • Being socially likeable helps you feel more valuable, which is why you wind up being a people-pleaser.
  • You feel unworthy.
  • To impress others, you pretend to be someone else.
  • You find it difficult to voice your disagreements with others.
  • You experience social anxiety and isolation.
  • Your thoughts frequently veer towards harsh criticism of yourself and self-hatred.

Psychological effects of rejection


  • According to neuroscience, the same area of the brain is active when we experience rejection as it is when we suffer an injury or physical pain. Rejection hurts just as much as intensified physical anguish.
  • Fear of being rejected might make us feel the need to remedy our errors or bad behaviour, which will help us develop so that we can survive and prosper.
  • People get angry in response to rejection, and they eventually lash out.
  • People mistrust their skills and worth because of a fear of rejection in a relationship, which leads them down a path of self-destruction.
  • It hinders our ability to make decisions and briefly reduces our IQ.

1. Work

Let's dive into another crucial area of life before discussing how to handle rejection in love or relationships.


Let's examine the dynamics of the job and the rejection it entails.


There are two types of rejection in the workplace: professional rejection and social rejection.


This becomes apparent when you believe you have been overlooked for a promotion or have not been given enough responsibility.


On the other hand, if you have a fear of rejection, you can find it difficult to socialise with your clients and coworkers and feel as though they don't want to spend time with you.

2. Friendship

You might have this feeling when making new friends, especially if you are making a lot of effort to connect more than the other person.


Long-term friendships, on the other hand, can make you feel as though your pals are simply taking advantage of you and abusing you without giving anything in return.


However, you can feel neglected or pushed out of the group as soon as your pals all gather. In such circumstances, getting through the fear of rejection is difficult and requires a lot of inner fortitude.

3. Romantic relationships

When it comes to being afraid of rejection, it can be tremendously difficult to handle rejection in a love relationship.


The dread of rejection in relationships is surprisingly widespread, though.


The embarrassment and sorrow you experience when coping with rejection are essentially the same whether you are a boy or a girl.


Those who are in pleasant, long-term partnerships frequently find themselves wondering how to start sex without worrying about being rejected.


During this fear of rejection, you may feel pessimistic about your love life and even undesirable. This fear of rejection can also take place due to a lack of communication.


However, do not worry, because mentioned below are some tips that will help you overcome this fear of rejection easily.


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