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The fear of failing exams or scoring less leads to unwanted stress and anxiety. In this article, you would find helpful tips, which would help you to understand how to overcome fear of failure in exams. Make sure that you read the whole article and implement the tips mentioned here. Before we look into how to overcome the fear of failure in exams let’s look at the reasons why one has exams fear- 

  1. One has fear of exams because of a Lack of preparation: This is one of the main reasons that brings fear into the minds of students when exams are on their heads. This mostly affects those students who were not active in classes or those who were not taught properly. Some students do not understand things in one go. And I feel teachers should pay more attention to such and should treat every student equally. To get the best preparations in CLAT you can join the best CLAT online coaching 2023.
  2. Another reason for fear of exams is Family Pressure: I believe everything comes from the home initially. I feel parents pressurize their children for better academic performance. And that pressure students are not able to take, they face fear like ” If I fail or don’t score good my parents would kill me or I must score 100% otherwise I am worthless”. The pressure from illiterate parents is more as compared to literate ones. I have written one article on how to build healthy relationships in a family.
  3. Another reason for fear of exams is Peer Pressure: This has grown in students’ minds for the past few years. Competition with peers is causing so much pressure on students’ minds. Parents, teachers, and even relatives all are competitive in giving examples to other students. They are like ‘ XYZ ‘ got this many marks you have to score more than him/ her anyhow. They tend to compare their children with others. This leads to stress and anxiety in students' minds and it becomes difficult for him/ her to cope with the expectations of their parents. I have written one article on how to stop comparing with others?

So, these can be a few reasons why students get nervous when they listen to the word exams or why they fear failing exams or scoring fewer marks. But these are the things which are happening with everyone around with every age group student. But few among them succeed, it’s because they fight they don’t give up. They know how to overcome the fear of failure in exams.

One must never give up in life. If you want to develop this attitude then you can read: how to develop a never die attitude. 


  1. Students should make a proper timetable like which subjects they want to cover each day and stick to it. You must do proper planning before the exam begins. Do not leave revision for the last minute. 
  2. Make notes and a blueprint of the subjects. Because it is easier for students to revise from them. 
  3. If you are an early riser then you must do most of your studying before lunch or if you have a habit of getting up late at night then you must study at later half of the day, but still should go to bed at the proper time to get enough sleep which is required. 
  4. You should answer questions from past year's question papers this gives an idea about the pattern of the paper. And it’s kind of a rehearsal before the exam. 
  5. If you feel that you are not able to concentrate while preparing it could be because of tiredness, hunger, or just boredom. Take a break of 10 to 15 minutes and then come back. Small breaks help to refresh the mind.
  6. Never hesitate to ask for help from teachers and friends if you don’t understand something. They are always there to help you. 
  7. You should always take out some time for exercise, walking, cycling, or even dancing. This helps to get rid of stress in your body. 
  8. Have a balanced diet. This helps you as it keeps the energy on point and you would not feel restless throughout the day.

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  1. Wake up and start your day early. This would help one to avoid the last-minute rush. You would get enough time to eat, get ready and leave for the exam in a calm and relaxed manner.  
  2. Try to avoid last-minute preparation, I feel it is not too productive and helpful, it just confuses you and leaves you under stress. 
  3. Now when the teacher says, ” Put your notes away. It's time for the exam.” As your teacher places the test paper on your table, your mind goes blank. You feel you don’t remember anything. Right? You get panic. It’s Ok! It’s not a big deal, this mostly happens to all of us. But one should know how to face it. Take deep breaths three to four times this would help. Do positive self-talk that I have done enough preparation to let me write whatever I know.
  4. If seeing a question one gets frozen then they should move to the difficult ones later. Do not waste time on questions that you are not comfortable with. Attend them at last if time is left. 
  5. And a very important point after the completion of the paper revise the paper thoroughly. 

I am sure after reading about how to overcome the fear of failure in the exam. 

ALSO READ: How To Overcome Exam Stress During CLAT Preparation?




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