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How to Pick the Ideal Colour of Vinyl Flooring for Your House

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There are several reasons why you should choose the proper colour for your vinyl flooring. The colour of your floor can influence the overall ambiance of your space and act as a unifying feature in your design concept. A variety of factors must be considered when selecting the ideal vinyl flooring colour for your home.

Colour and pattern are vital considerations when selecting the ideal vinyl flooring solution for your house. It can be confusing to experiment with different colour schemes and styles, even if it's a fun aspect of the process. If you want to buy floor vinyl, wood-effect vinyl, or bathroom waterproof flooring, check out Vinyl Flooring UK.

Why Choosing the Right Colour for Your Vinyl Flooring Is Important

Consideration should be given to both function and style when selecting new flooring for your house. The ideal blend of toughness and visual appeal is achieved for many with vinyl flooring. Still, there's a huge selection of colours and designs even within the vinyl flooring category. What better way to determine which is best for your house?


Dark colours can help to mask filth and grime in areas like kitchens and bathrooms that see a lot of usages. To reduce the visibility of stains, you might also want to go with a dark colour if you have small children or dogs.

However, a room may appear smaller and more claustrophobic when dark colours are used. Light colours can provide the impression of more space in large or high-ceilinged rooms.

Naturally, your own taste in style also plays a role in choosing the ideal colour for your vinyl flooring. To get a more conventional style, earth tones such as beige or brown could be a nice option. If you're going for a more modern look, patterned vinyl flooring or even bolder colours may liven up a space.

Though ultimately it's a matter of taste, you should take Function and Style into account. You may choose the ideal colour vinyl flooring for your house by considering both function and style.

How the Colour of Your Vinyl Flooring Affects Your Space

The feel of a room can be greatly influenced by colour. For instance, blue is a wonderful colour choice for bathrooms or bedrooms because research on its relaxing properties supports this idea.

Colours like yellow are a good choice for living rooms or kitchens because they are generally perceived as happy and positive. Since green is connected to nature, it can contribute to a more tranquil atmosphere.

Naturally, you are not limited to using just one colour throughout your entire house. Colours can be used to generate a wide range of themes in different contexts. For example, to make your kitchen feel cheerier and more welcoming, try a brighter yellow colour scheme, while in your bedroom, use a lighter blue colour scheme.

With its vast selection of colours and patterns, choosing the ideal design for your space is made simple. For example, a tiny space can feel more open and breezy with light-colored vinyl flooring.

Deeper hues can give a space more depth and richness. Additionally, you can discover vinyl flooring with striking graphics and patterns if you're going for a really one-of-a-kind style.

Thus, keep in mind how the colour will impact the room's overall vibe while selecting vinyl flooring for your house.

The Top 5 Colours of Vinyl Flooring

Grey: Any room can benefit from the usage of the adaptable colour grey. It is ideal for achieving a contemporary or modern aesthetic.

Brown: Brown is a timeless colour that is always in trend. It can contribute to the creation of a cosy and welcoming atmosphere and works well in any space.

Beige: Popular neutral hues like beige can aid in establishing a serene and comforting ambiance. It complements several colours to give a distinctive style and looks good in any setting.

Deep Brown: Deeper browns are a striking colour that can infuse any space with depth and intensity. It can assist create an exquisite look and works well in formal or muted rooms.

Light Shades: Light hues are classic hues that work well in any setting. It can contribute to the creation of a light and airy environment and blends well with other colours.

Considerations when choosing between light and dark vinyl flooring

  • Kind of home: one with children or pets:

The composition of your home should be taken into account while deciding between light and dark flooring. Do you own any animals? Children? Shared accommodations? Both bright and dark flooring have the advantage of being able to conceal different kinds of dirt, including pet hair or crumbs.

  • Floors in a large vs. small house:

The colours that will work best for your home or room will depend on their size and design. Lighter vinyl tiles or planks can provide the illusion of space, while darker flooring might shrink the size of the space. Because of this, you might want to go with a lighter hue to give small places the appearance of more space.

  • Cabinet colour:

What colour are the room's accessories and cabinets? Planning ahead with cabinet colours can help you choose the flooring that enhances rather than draws attention away from the cabinets. If your cabinets are dark, you might choose to utilize something else instead of dark flooring and vice versa. Recall that contrast is a basic design concept. Light walls, cabinets, and floors can wash out a space and give the impression that it is unbalanced, while dark on dark colours can make a room appear cramped, dingy, and heavy.

  • Artificial or natural lighting:

Your choice of flooring may also be influenced by the lighting fixtures you utilize in the space. Does the area have plenty of natural light, or are artificial lighting sources being used? How light or dark a room feels can be greatly influenced by the floor colour you choose. Lighter tiles reflect light and make an area brighter, whereas darker tiles absorb light and make an area darker. Light tiles therefore function best in artificial lighting. Light floors might glare in large areas with lots of natural light.


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