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How to prepare for the Wisdom Teeth Extraction procedure?

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On some occasions, a tooth needs to be extracted from your mouth due to decay, overcrowding, gum disease, injury, fracture, or a preliminary step in orthodontic treatment. Although the thought of having a Wisdom Teeth Extraction can be troublesome. Still, Dr. Karamjot Kaur renowned dentist in Benton Dental Clinic in Kitchener works hard to make the Wisdom Teeth Extraction process a positive experience for patients, with gentle techniques that loosen the tooth before removing it and providing medication to relieve pain. The following are some of the sedations that one can use during a wisdom tooth extraction process –


  • Local anesthesia
  • Conscious sedation
  • Nitrous oxide (i.e. laughing gas)
  • Intravenous (IV) sedation
  • General anesthesia

Wisdom Teeth Extraction process


Wisdom teeth can easily be extracted by your dentist or need a standard surgical treatment performed by an oral surgeon. After the complete examination of your teeth, your dentist will have more information for you about the type of extraction you will need. You may have all of your 4 wisdom teeth removed at once or you may have them removed gradually at more than one appointment. Preparing for the procedure of Wisdom Teeth Extraction in Kitchener is quite easy. While your dentist will take care of the major part, it would not harm you to be mentally and physically prepared in advance for this procedure. Here is what you need to know before the process –


  • Examining your teeth


Before your Wisdom Teeth Extraction is even boked, we want to have a good look at your teeth and jaw. You will need to take X-rays and carefully examine them to see how your wisdom teeth are coming in and what your root structure looks like. This information will tell us whether your wisdom teeth need to come out, i.e. whether they can be extracted simply, or require surgery. 


  • Removal process


At your initial appointment, our staff will give you more information about what to expect and how to prepare yourself for the wisdom teeth extraction in Kitchener. Based on your preferences and the professional opinion of your dentist, local freezing, sedation, or anesthesia will be administered. We will use minimally invasive techniques to remove teeth as gently as possible. We want you to feel convenient and have a speedy recovery. 

  • Aftercare


We may ask you to bring a friend or family member to stay with you during the process, drive you home after and spend some time with you while you recover. You will be given aftercare instructions including some handy tips on what to do and avoid for the quickest and most comfortable recovery after your tooth extraction. If you have any additional concerns, we are here for you and would urge you to give us a call whenever you feel any difficulty. 


Wrapping Up

Having your wisdom teeth extraction in Kitchener is something that you and your dentist must decide. Some people decide not to remove their wisdom teeth and they are perfectly fit and fine. But some people can end up in a situation where they are in a situation to have their wisdom teeth extracted instantly. When it comes to your wisdom teeth extraction, you need to have proper treatment from the dentist.


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