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Choosing the Ideal Destination for Yoga Teacher Training: My Experience in India

When it came to selecting the perfect place for my yoga teacher training (YTT), I considered various factors. Although YTT programs can be found worldwide, my preference was to immerse myself in the birthplace of yoga, India, while also benefiting from lower costs compared to Europe. Additionally, I desired the flexibility of not being tied to a specific city in my home country for an extended period. Looking back, I'm grateful for the intensive and immersive experience I had.

India boasts numerous yoga schools across its diverse landscape, including popular destinations like Goa and Kerala. However, Rishikesh stands out as the ultimate mecca for Indian yoga schools. In August 2022, I embarked on my YTT journey there.

To secure my spot, I booked a 25 Day 200-hour yoga teacher training course at Rishikesh Yog Temple. Before arriving, I paid approximately a quarter of the total cost. Traveling to Rishikesh from Delhi was convenient, with options including flights to Dehradun or transportation by train, bus, or taxi. Although this article primarily focuses on YTTs in Rishikesh, it can still provide valuable insights for those considering other locations.


Do I need extensive yoga experience?

In short, not at all! During my YTT, I discovered that several participants had limited prior yoga experience, yet they all experienced a steep learning curve. As we progressed, the skill levels seemed to equalize.

While individuals who engage in other sports may find certain asanas easier due to their strength and flexibility, remember that YTT is an opportunity to improve in those areas. I surprised myself numerous times by accomplishing asanas that initially seemed challenging, such as sirsasana (headstand) and tolasana (lifted lotus seat). Moreover, the training encompassed breathwork and meditation, which most participants were unfamiliar with.

Familiarizing myself with the Sanskrit names of common asanas, such as the warriors, pigeon, downward-facing dog, and cobra, proved beneficial. Although I initially knew them only in English or German, I dedicated time to study their original Sanskrit names.

Don't stress about acquiring extensive yoga theory before attending YTT. The program aims to provide a fundamental understanding of yoga's origins and its intertwining with Indian culture.

Rishikesh boasts numerous spiritual bookstores where books are more affordable compared to Europe or North America. Towards the end of my training, I purchased “Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha” by the Bihar School of Yoga and “The Science of Yoga: Anatomy” by Ann Swanson.

Is it necessary to become a teacher after YTT?

Absolutely not! Becoming a yoga teacher is not mandatory. Most of my fellow YTT students shared that they pursued the program to enhance their personal yoga practice and immerse themselves in yoga. While some may consider teaching in the future, the majority didn't have immediate plans to do so.

Only one other student and I aimed to begin teaching within a month after completing the course. This immersive approach allowed us to apply what we had learned promptly. Nevertheless, all YTT students shared a common passion for yoga or a strong interest in delving deeper into its practice. Some had prior intensive involvement in activities such as swimming, gymnastics, martial arts, or had family members who were yoga teachers.

Am I physically prepared for YTT?

It's important to note that you don't need to perform advanced poses like handstands or headstands, touch the floor in a standing forward fold, or hold your breath for extended periods. Every body is unique!

However, I recommend being moderately active in the weeks leading up to your YTT. Unlike many other participants, I experienced minimal muscle soreness during the program. This could be attributed to practicing yoga daily before starting the training and engaging in light exercises like walking and hiking regularly. Nevertheless, you can still attend the training without being in peak physical shape.

What mindset should I have when I arrive?

First and foremost, it's crucial to understand that YTT is not a luxurious yoga retreat. Expectations of lavish accommodations and restaurant-grade food should be set aside. While you will encounter moments of relaxation and undoubtedly have fun, the training demands dedicated focus throughout the day.

Secondly, be prepared for the possibility of falling ill for at least a day. Your body needs time to adapt to new routines, and the schedule is packed with activities. If it happens, accept it as part of the process, rest when necessary, and consider bringing medication or seeking assistance from other students.

It's essential to show kindness to your body, especially during your menstrual cycle. You might be surprised by how yoga can alleviate pain, even during inversions (there is no medical evidence against it). However, if it doesn't provide relief, allow yourself to rest or simply sit in the back and listen to the classes. Embracing ahimsa (non-violence towards oneself and others), being kind to your body is an integral part of the yogic principles.

Lastly, approach the experience with an open mind towards spirituality, religion, and practices that may initially seem unfamiliar or strange, such as alternate nostril breathing or eye cleansing with rose water. You'll have ample time to reflect and digest everything you encounter during and after your stay.

What to Avoid During Your YTT and Essential Packing Tips for Rishikesh”

While embarking on your YTT journey, there are certain things you should avoid to ensure a fulfilling experience. Additionally, packing strategically for your time in Rishikesh can make your stay more comfortable and hassle-free.

What should I avoid doing?

One thing to avoid is working remotely during your YTT. I made the mistake of dedicating my lunch breaks and evenings to a job application, which resulted in juggling YTT classes simultaneously. Although it was manageable, it proved draining to balance both commitments.

Additionally, it's wise to minimize social stress by reducing the frequency of calls with friends and family. During your breaks, you may find yourself desiring a nap or engaging with your fellow YTT students. Your loved ones back home can receive more detailed updates from you once your training concludes. For instance, my roommate deleted WhatsApp during the YTT, and since I don't have Instagram, we felt we had more time to fully immerse ourselves in our time in Rishikesh.


What do I need to pack for Rishikesh?

  1. When it comes to clothing, pack various yoga leggings, pants, bras, tank tops, and long sports shirts. While laundry services are available, keep in mind that you may have limited time during the week. Reflecting on my experience, I didn't sweat as much as anticipated and could have managed with two to three yoga outfits.
  2. For women, it's advisable to wear loose-fitting clothes that cover your shoulders and legs when venturing outside. Although wearing shorts and a yoga bra is acceptable within the school premises, Indian cultural norms encourage modesty when in public spaces. Adhering to this practice not only helps prevent unwanted attention but is also considered respectful.
  3. Having warm clothes on hand can be a lifesaver. Despite being in India, the mornings and evenings in Rishikesh can be surprisingly chilly. During my stay in March, we encountered unexpected rain and thunder, resulting in a significant temperature drop from nearly 30°C (86°F) to just above 20°C.
  4. Including essential medications for the flu or food poisoning is practical, as is packing soap for your room (although these items can also be purchased in India). If you menstruate and do not have a man's body or rely on hormonal contraception to suppress your period, remember to bring period products such as sanitary pads or tampons. Personally, I found my menstrual cup to be convenient and was satisfied with it. In India, water is commonly used for personal hygiene instead of toilet paper, and proper garbage disposal might not always be available, so opting for washable and reusable products is a practical choice.
  5. Consider bringing your own yoga mat, although the ones provided by your yoga school should suffice. However, keep in mind that one side of the mats might be slightly rolled in. Another option is to purchase a mat locally in Rishikesh.
  6. To maintain hygiene standards, having a cloth and cleaning spray to wipe your room and yoga mat periodically can be beneficial if cleanliness is a priority for you.
  7. Don't forget to pack a diary or journal to document your YTT experience, as well as one or two notebooks for the course. Colored pencils can come in handy for highlighting notes and the materials provided by your school.
  8. In Rishikesh, you have the option to purchase an Indian SIM card, as the Wi-Fi in your accommodation might not be very reliable.

I hope this article has addressed some of your concerns about YTT and provided you with the confidence to enroll, irrespective of your flexibility, strength, prior knowledge of yogic philosophy, or aspirations of becoming a yoga teacher.

Instagram Profile: Rishikesh Yog Temple (@rishikeshyogtemple) • Instagram photos and videos

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