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Facebook Ads can be a very effective instrument for Amazon sellers. You can improve sales and ranking on Amazon, and build an audience of enthusiastic customers to ensure long-term growth. They're typically the most affordable and scalable source of external traffic.


Combining Facebook Ads and an effective Amazon PPC management strategy can create positive results, but most brands waste their money on poorly-designed ads.        


Here we will go through how you can prepare your Amazon products for advertisement on Facebook.


Why Advertise Your Amazon Products with Facebook Advertising?

Facebook has more than 2 billion active monthly users. In addition to their massive audience, the ad targeting tools are very sophisticated. They permit you to display your ads to the people who are most likely to convert. You could also show ads to the consumers who have already made a purchase from you.


Prepare Your Amazon Products for Facebook Advertising

1. Optimize Your Product Listings

Do not use Facebook Ads If your Amazon listing is not correctly configured and optimized. You'll be throwing money out the window.

Ensure that you have completed the following steps:

  • The content of your listing is optimized for Amazon SEO and conversions
  • You've got high-quality photos of your products and brand-specific content that has been enhanced
  • You are using Amazon's Sponsored Products advertisements

It is important to ensure that the money you invest in Facebook Ads is in sync with other things on Amazon. Therefore, if the items on Amazon aren't properly set up then you'll not be able to benefit as much.

2. Set Up A Landing Page

Another mistake that a lot of Amazon sellers make using Facebook Ads is driving traffic directly to Amazon.

Why is this an issue?

A . Someone who is scrolling through Facebook is a lot further away from purchasing than someone looking on Amazon

B . Traffic coming from Facebook generally tends to be less successful than internal Amazon traffic and can reduce the rate of conversion for your page

C . There's no way to use the Facebook Pixel (to measure conversions, develop audience retargeting campaigns, etc.), and there's no way of collecting the contact details of users

The email database is among the most valuable asset that an eCommerce business could have, which is not available to most companies that sell only on Amazon.

A landing page on Amazon lets you:

  • Retrieve emails (to make future promotions solicit reviews etc.)
  • Place the Pixel
  • Offer coupon codes to encourage sales
  • Filter traffic to ensure that those who do make it to Amazon are more likely to purchase, which in turn increases sales speed and keyword rankings

The idea is that you'd like your Amazon and Facebook Advertising to move new customers down the sales funnel. Over time, you want to guide customers to make a purchase or a repeat purchase.

Without a landing site, you won’t Pixel or receive emails. If they don't purchase within a few seconds of clicking the advertisement, you'll lose your potential for touchpoints in the future.

How do you get contact details without a landing page:

One method of staying in contact with your customers is via Facebook Messenger.

You can make a Facebook Ad that opens a conversation on Messenger and then send a coupon via Messenger without using the landing page.

This lowers friction and results in lower open rates and click-through rates significantly greater than email.

Messenger sequences are more effective than emails for collecting reviews since you can ask directly whether they've purchased the product.

If they've bought your product, send your review link to them.

3. Split Test Your Facebook Advertising Copies

One mistake often made by companies who are just learning how to advertise Amazon items on Facebook is not doing split testing.

They make one ad with an image, copy, headline, etc., targeting one particular audience.

No matter how well you know the target customer, you should always strive to learn more about it

It is important to make use of the information that Facebook Ads accumulate over time to test various variations of your ads as well as to determine the best way to reach different audiences.

Don't guess, study the facts.

4. Structure Your Campaigns Properly For Easy A/B Testing

Certain sellers realize that they need to test their audience and offers, as well as ad variations However, they don't set up their campaigns to allow the proper A/B testing.


You must make two separate campaigns that focus on the same audience and employ the same ad creative and copy.

The variation lies at the campaign level. Every campaign is different in its goals. To test the effectiveness of your ads, you need an entire campaign that includes two ad sets, each of which has an audience of a different type. However, they will have identical copies of ads (creative and copy).

To test the creative or text, you must include two different ads in one advertisement set.

The Final Takeaway

Facebook Ads are an effective way to grow your business on Amazon. Facebook Ads provide access to huge numbers of users in a way that is qualitatively different than Amazon's internal Amazon advertising.

Sometimes, sellers make mistakes that cost them huge amounts of money and limit their chances of success on Amazon Facebook ads.

We hope our blog will help you reach a more competent audience, generate more sales, boost your positions on Amazon, and create brand assets that ensure your company's long-term success.

To save time and increase your productivity, you can always outsource such tasks to an experienced Amazon Advertising Partner.