1. Science / Technology

How to Protect Your Website from Being Hacked?

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There are only a few ways to protect your website from being hacked. Here is a list of all the ways you can prevent your website from being hacked.

1) Check your Permissions: Many hackers will use automated programs to scan websites and access areas they should not be able to access without proper permission. Make sure that permissions on your servers are set to the lowest level possible. This prevents automated programs from scanning your site and finding security vulnerabilities within your website. You reduce the number of people trying to hack into your server by reducing permissions.

2) Make sure that any software installed on your servers is up-to-date: Hackers are constantly discovering new ways to exploit old software bugs in order to break into websites. Software companies (like Microsoft) will release patches for these bugs when they discover them, or someone else discovers them. If these patches are not applied by the web hosting company you use, hackers can easily exploit this vulnerability and gain access to your site through it.

3) Use strong passwords: Using easy-to-guess passwords (like password123) makes it easy for hackers to get into your website. However, using a strong password will make it harder for them to guess the password. In some cases, it might even prevent automated programs from getting in because they don't have enough resources to try all possible passwords.

4) Make sure that any scripts you use on your site are less than five years old: Older scripts are vulnerable to many security holes, including buffer overflows and SQL Injection vulnerabilities. These bugs can give an attacker access to your server when he exploits these vulnerabilities.

5) Install a firewall: A good firewall is essential for blocking out common types of attacks against your website. Many firewalls come with several built-in protections against different attacks targeted at web servers.

6) Install antivirus software: Antivirus software will protect your website against many types of different hackers. These types of attackers use automated attacks to gain access to websites through web-based exploits (such as buffer overflows), operating system exploits, or even social engineering tactics like phishing.

7) Keep your operating system updated: Operating systems are also vulnerable to many different types of attacks that only become more common as new bugs are discovered and the tools used by hackers advance. By keeping your OS up-to-date with patches, you can prevent them from being exploited on your site.

8) Use free security scanners: Fortunately for us home users, there are many websites where we can download free security scanners that scan your computer and website for vulnerabilities. You can download many of them from cirt.net!          

Conclusion: While it is impossible to protect your website from every possible type of attack, by following the tips we've outlined in this blog post, you can make your site much more secure and less vulnerable to being hacked. Have you implemented any of these security measures on your website? If not, what are you waiting for?

Author bio – Jyoti Yadav is a Digital Marketing Manager who loves to write a blog at Athmin Technologies and is a total health fanatic. Her love for health and well-being fuels her creative spirit and allows her to stay mindful and productive. She loves reading books, and novels and listening to podcasts! Apart from work, she loves to travel around the world and discover new places.