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How to quickly lower blood sugar levels without using any medicines?

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High and continuous blood glucose levels are closely linked to serious health disorders, something that does not have to happen if you put the health plan that we suggest into practice. To avoid the devastating action of high glucose in the body, it is best to prevent. And for this, we would all have to have an analysis done at least once a year (every 6 months when there are risk factors). If the sugar levels are above 100 mg per dl of fasting blood, the alarm signals should already go off.


“It is not a question of being alarmist because a glucose of 100 does not correspond to type 2 diabetes, but it is the prelude to the disorder (prediabetes)”. If you act right at that moment with the plan that we propose, you can lose 2 cm from your waist (fat that accumulates in the abdomen favors diabetes) and normalize your values ​​in just one month. Four weeks is an adequate time to gradually introduce the necessary changes in your diet and in your daily activity that we suggest below. The goal is for these new habits to become a habit and always be with you. And in the event that you already suffer from diabetes, this plan is even more mandatory to control it.

If you have been doing nothing for a while, start by walking 10 minutes a day at a brisk pace and gradually increase the time and pace of the walk. The goal is to do 40 min of aerobic exercise 4 days a week. Accompany it with resistance exercise at least two days a week. And move every half hour, even for a couple of minutes. The objective is to break the vicious circle of a sedentary lifestyle, which favors abdominal obesity and alters your sugar.


Your heart suffers. It is one of the organs that suffers the most from the continued excess of glucose in the blood. High sugar progressively damages the blood vessels of the heart and promotes arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). The kidneys work worse . Sugar also deteriorates the kidney cells (nephrons) responsible for filtering the blood, so that they do not perform their cleaning task well. It affects memory. High blood glucose, sustained for years , is considered a risk factor for Alzheimer's. And it is logical: just as the blood vessels of the heart are damaged, those of the brain deteriorate. The view suffers. Poorly controlled diabetes reduces blood flow to the retina and can lead to diabetic retinopathy. Attacks teeth and gums . It also triples the risk of periodontitis , a disorder that, in turn, favors type 2 diabetes.



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