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Governments are trying to stop another wave of Corona. They are issuing new guidelines and protocols for safety. However, some people are not favouring these regulations. Similarly, some people argue against one time use of N95 Mask. Let us read the expert's comment on the topic.

Are N95 masks reusable?

No. Some people say that they have worn the same mask for days or even weeks without changing it. Medical experts warn and define it dangerous and stupid thing. It is riskier if the mask is not decontaminated with one of the more recent decontamination machines.

Contrary to cloth masks that can be machine washed and worn many times, N95 masks work best when only worn once or twice. The mask must be thrown away immediately. They are not created to be reused. According to FDA guidelines, dispose of your N95 respirator immediately by placing it into a plastic bag. After handling the respirator, wash your hands.

Are KN95 masks reusable?

KN95 Mask are intended for single-use, but a couple of people say that there are studies that suggest that some KN95 Mask can be reused. According to such people “what was even more fascinating” was the statement that when they reused the mask, after spraying it with alcohol, air-drying it, and vacuum drying it, it showed effective filtering.

How to tell the difference between fake N95 masks and real N95 masks

You can take precautionary measures to ensure that the masks you purchase are not counterfeit. Kelly recommends six things you should look for to identify a fake or certified N95 mask.

  1. The NIOSH approval stamp on the mask's face is missing or misspelled.
  2. The mask uses ear loops rather than headbands. Headbands can be used to make the fit tighter.
  3. The TC approval number should not be listed on the headband or mask.
  4. The company claims to be approved for use by children.
  5. There are decorative add-ons.
  6. The manufacturing lot number is not visible on the mask's face.

It's the same for spotting fake masks KN95 masks vs. genuine masks KN95. Experts advise you to do your research so that you can be sure you are ordering masks from a legitimate website. They say it should be strongly recommended that all customers do their research on where their KN95 masks are purchased from. Ask for lab results that show the filtration levels. Research the factory where they are buying their masks. Request videos of the water test, where you pour water into one side and watch for drops. Stress test the ear loop band bands. Make sure all data you have received is correct. According to them, if the company you are buying your KN95 masks is constantly changing their manufacturers, it could be a sign that they are selling masks to multiple brokers or middlemen and not having proper quality control.

An N95 mask has the advantage of sealing the face tightly. However, the FDA states that a mask on a beard or a child's face will not provide the same protection. Remember another thing, that They aren't a magic bullet. While they offer enhanced safety, they are not substitutes for social distancing and hand hygiene. They also limit person-to-person interaction whenever possible.