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RPET is a recycled PET plastic. It's used in plastic bottles and food containers. Once the original PET containers have been used by consumers, they can then be returned to a recycling facility. They will sort, clean, and turn them into rPET pellets. The flakes/pellets can then be recycled and used to create new products, such as fiber for clothing and carpets or plastic for food and beverage containers. Because rPET has a lower carbon footprint than virgin PET, it is more sustainable and can be used to make valuable resources that benefit the environment.

Let's take a look at some important information on the topic.

Are bottled water companies using rPET for their production?

Yes. Yes. Yes. Bottled water companies use rPET for many years. Bottle water companies use rPET packaging to sell their products in containers that are 50, 75 or 100 percent rPET. Beverage Marketing Corporation reported an increase in rPET per container of 452 percent between 2008 and 2017.

What happens to my PET bottles after they are placed in the recycling containers?

You can place PET bottles in a recycle container. The PET bottles are collected by a material recovery facility (MRF), and then sorted from any other materials. They are then sorted and bailed before being sent to PET recycling plants. The bales then get broken down and sorted using an automated processor. This process removes all non-PET materials. The PET is then ground to a powder and stored in a tank. The PET container material is denser and sinks to the bottom and separates from label and cap materials.

The PET material is then dried, and then cleaned. The PET flake can then go through further processing according to the intended market. It can be made into PET pellets or extruded into PET sheets for making cups, trays and clamshells. Recycled PET can be used to make carpets, clothing, fiberfill and other materials.

Is it possible for PET/rPET bottles to be recycled over and over?

PET bottles can be recycled over and over again. PET bottles can be recycled with additives that increase PET's IV. To meet growing demand from beverage producers for high levels, PET's IV can be increased by plastic recyclers. These molecules attach to broken polymer chains, and then reconnect them. These molecules then form the longer chains that are required to make PET bottles.

What are the advantages of PET that has been recycled and virgin?

  • You can recycle PET and rPET products completely.
  • PET and rPET weigh less than other packaging. This reduces transportation costs, which in turn lowers CO2 emissions.
  • PET and rPET bottles can be seen through and are shatterproof.
  • PET and rPET plastics can be used for food and beverage packaging.

Which industries use rPET within other industries?

rPET can be used in the following industries. According to NAPCOR and the Association of Plastic Recyclers, 47 percent of all US rPET was used in fiber products. Carpet, shoes, and clothes; 21 percent for food and drinks.

What can you do for the environment?

  1. All PET products should be properly disposed off and recycled.
  2. If you are interested in recycling products that cannot be recycled, please refer to the guidelines provided by your local reclamator.
  3. Buy rPET products such as clothing, carpeting and beverage bottles.
  4. Encourage and support investment into U.S.-based rPET production facilities.
  5. Learn more about recycling programs in your locality and how they can help rPET production.


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