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Hyperpigmentation is the stubborn dark patches on the skin which makes the skin uneven. These patches are irresistible to anti-marks cosmetics. Therefore people are advised to take care of their skin and overall health, so that embarrassment and expense in further pigmentation treatment can be saved.

To do so, this article is going to delve into the root causes and prevention techniques to avoid pigmentation. Furthermore, this article will details about effective pigmentation treatment for individuals unable to get rid of it naturally. In order to mention about those  treatment insights have been taken by skin specialists of pigmentation treatment in Hyderabad.

What is Hyperpigmentation?

Hyperpigmentation is a frequent skin condition marked by the darkening or enhanced pigmentation of specific skin regions.  It occurs when the skin produces excess melanin, the pigment responsible for giving colour to the skin, hair, and eyes. 

Types of Hyperpigmentation

  • Melasma/ Chloasma- These are the marks of pregnancy in the shape of large dark patches.   
  • Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation- PIH occurs after the skin experiences inflammation or injury, such as acne, burns, cuts, or other trauma. As the skin heals, it may produce excess melanin, leading to dark spots or patches that are darker than the surrounding skin.
  • Age Spot/ Solar Lentigines/ Liver Spots-These are flat, tan, brown, or black spots that appear on areas of the skin exposed to the sun, such as the face, hands, shoulders, and arms. They are caused by UV damage over time.

Root Cause of Hyperpigmentation

  • Hormonal Imbalance

Hormones play a vital role in building the human body to be disease free and healthier. But, sometimes, stress, anxiety, poor lifestyle affects their balance and it results in the inadequacy of melanin. This results in uneven skin tone and pigmentation.

  • Sun Exposure

Harmful UV rays of sun damage the tissues and cells of the exposed part of the skin. As a result skin starts getting rough and tanned. The tanned skin area sometimes leads to the inflammatory pigmentation. 

  • Medication 

There are certain medications, cosmetics and medical procedures like chemotherapy that probably make the skin uneven and pigmented.

  • Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a phase during which a female body has to pass through several mental, physical and emotional changes. These challenges sometimes affect the skin tissues and result in melasma around the forehead, under eye area, chin, nose tip.

Prevention from Hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation is stubborn to go by themself, therefore prevention is better to avoid this distressing skin condition. To do so, some of the effective prevention techniques are as follows:

  • Keep the Skin Hydrated

Hydration of the skin  is essential to keep it away from any skin concern. To do so, application of skin-friendly moisturiser, sunscreens are recommended for external use. For the internal use, individuals are advised to increase the water intake, juices, vitamin E, A rich fruits and vegetables. It will repair the damaged skin cells and improve the production of collagen.  

  • Keep the Skin Clean

To avoid any skin condition, skin doctors recommend washing your face twice a day. Additionally, DIYs of blackheads, whitehead is avoided.

  • Application of Sunscreen  

While going out, application of sunscreen is essential. It prevents the skin from harmful UV rays of sun and pollution. 

Treatment for Hyperpigmentation 

Hyperpigmentation may occur even after following rich skin care habits which is distressing.  In such circumstances, consultation with a skin doctor is beneficial. Hyperpigmentation treatments performed by a skin specialist are as follows:

  1. Carbon Laser Peel: It is also known as “China Doll Peel,” is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure. In this procedure, a layer of liquid carbon is applied to the skin, which penetrates the pores. A laser is then used to heat and vaporize the carbon, exfoliating the skin's outer layer and stimulating collagen production. This treatment helps to improve skin tone, reduce hyperpigmentation, minimize pores, and promote a more radiant complexion. Its quick procedure time and minimal downtime make it a popular choice for those seeking a refreshed appearance.
  2. MNRF (Microneedle Radiofrequency):In this minimally invasive procedure, Microneedles and radiofrequency energy are used together. Radiofrequency energy is injected deep into the tissue while tiny needles puncture the skin in controlled manner. In order to address different skin problems including hyperpigmentation, this dual action both stimulates collagen formation and remodels existing collagen. MNRF can help lessen the appearance of hyperpigmentation, enhance the texture of the skin, and offer general rejuvenation by encouraging skin renewal from inside. This procedure is appropriate for a range of skin types and offers a more focused method of managing pigmentation issues.
  3. Photofacial (IPL): It is a non-invasive intense pulsed light (IPL) treatment which is also referred to as a photofacial, uses broad spectrum light to target and cure a variety of skin issues, including hyperpigmentation. The light energy is taken up by the skin's pigment, which breaks down extra melanin and lessens the visibility of dark spots and uneven pigmentation. For people with sun damage, age spots, and other forms of hyperpigmentation, photofacials are popular because they can help improve overall skin tone and texture. For the best outcomes, a course of treatment sessions may be suggested.

  • Laser Resurfacing: Laser Resurfacing is a cosmetic procedure that uses high-energy laser beams to remove damaged skin layers and stimulate collagen production. This treatment is effective in addressing hyperpigmentation by targeting the pigmented areas and promoting the growth of new, healthier skin cells. There are two main types of laser resurfacing: ablative and non-ablative. Ablative lasers remove thin layers of skin, while non-ablative lasers heat the underlying tissue without damaging the surface. Both types can improve skin texture, tone, and pigmentation irregularities, but downtime and recovery may vary based on the chosen method.


Hyperpigmentation is a skin concern which affects the skin tone and makes it uneven. In the form of freckles, PIH, age spots, hyperpigmentation is effective to damage the aesthetics and self confidence. But in today’s  revolutionary era this skin concern is significantly reversible through treatments like carbon laser peel, MNRF, laser resurfacing, etc. To get the best suitable pigmentation treatment you are advised to visit a skin doctor. To find the best dermatologist in Hyderabad, you may pay a visit to Neya Dermatology & Aesthetics clinic to consult the skilled dermatologist Dr. Ravali Yalamanchili. 

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