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While all your vacations and that much-needed exposure to the sun on the beach seem worthwhile, coming back home and seeing your skin looking a few shades darker, isn’t so pleasant and make you want to get rid of that tan almost instantly.

We often forget how our skin gets impacted due to the sun and how the sun actually never takes a break! While tans are not permanent and will eventually fade over the course of a few weeks, we have got all your concerns relating to tanning covered. Whether it is how to get rid of a tan faster, or homemade and natural recipes to remove a tan and even how to remove tan from your face, read through to get answers to all your questions as we recommend some quick fixes for skin tan removal.

What is skin tanning?

Very simply put, skin tanning happens when we expose ourselves to the sun for a long period of time. It is our body’s way of reacting to the harmful UV rays of the sun, causing the skin to become darker. This prolonged exposure to the sun can also cause other skin problems such as dullness, as the skin is stripped of its moisture content.

Is Tan permanent?

A natural tan on the skin is not permanent and would usually fade away over a course of 1-2 weeks. Read through to get some advice on natural home remedies to remove tan faster. 

How to remove Tan from the Face?

When it comes to removing a tan from the face, Tomato and Lemon Juice have proven to have excellent results and are used as natural remedies to remove face tans. These are all-natural and suit all skin types, brightening the skin instantly and leaving it with a glow. 

We recommend two face packs, which can be easily made in your kitchen using Tomato and Lemon Juice, mixed with other suitable ingredients, dependent on your skin type and concern. 

#1 Homemade Recipe to remove a Tan – For Dry Skin

If you have dry skin, we recommend mixing 2 tablespoons of Sandalwood powder with 2 teaspoons of Rose Petal powder. Then add this mixture to 3½ teaspoons of Tomato juice and ½ a teaspoon of freshly squeezed Lemon Juice. Blend all ingredients together until you have a fine paste. Use this face masque and get smooth & bright skin, almost instantly!

Tip: If you have extremely dry skin, we recommend switching the Tomato Juice with Honey. 

#2 Tan Removal Home Remedy – For Oily Skin

If you have acne-prone and oily skin, we recommend using an earthy substance known as Fuller’s Earth or Multani Mitti to get rid of a tan. Mix 3 tablespoons of this to 4 teaspoons of Tomato Juice and ½ a teaspoon of freshly squeezed Lemon Juice. Blend these ingredients well and use this paste daily as a cleanser. 

Multani Mitti or Fuller’s Earthworks as a transformative and extremely effective herb to cure acne-prone skin while treating uneven skin tone and removing dark patches. It also helps in tan removal and calming sunburns. 

Natural Remedies to Remove Tan using Sandalwood 

Are you constantly struggling with difficult tans? Then Sandalwood is your magic potion that will work as a miracle ingredient! With its relaxing, soothing, and cooling properties, Sandalwood works wonders as a de-tanning agent, while effectively treating sunburns and brightening tanned skin

#3 Homemade Tan Removal 

Make a mixture with 2 tablespoons of Coconut Powder, 2 tablespoons of Sandalwood Powder along with some Tomato Juice. Apply this concoction on all the affected areas and leave on for about 15-20 minutes, rinsing off with cold water. This mixture helps to treat sunburnt skin as it heals and soothes the irritability. 

#4 Tan Removal Home Remedy 

We recommend mixing 2½ teaspoons of Tomato Juice with ½ a teaspoon of freshly squeezed Lemon Juice, fresh curd, and some Sandalwood powder. Apply this paste on all the affected tanned areas and leave it on for about 10 minutes, rinsing off with cold water. 

Natural Remedies to Remove Tan using Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera extract works wonders for your skin when you are looking to treat a dark tan. It helps in soothing sunburn patches while replenishing the skin’s natural moisture levels. If you apply this extract everyday on the affected area, the tan can be lightened in as little as a week’s time. 

#5 Homemade Recipe to Remove Tan

We recommend blending 2 tablespoons of fresh Aloe Vera Juice and 2 tablespoons of pure Rosewater with 4-5 mashed pieces of ripe Papaya. Take a small amount of this paste in your hands and massage it on all the tanned and affected areas of the body. Leave this mixture on for about 15 minutes and rinse off in the shower with cold water. Pat dry with a soft towel and finish off with a moisturizer. 

#6 Tan Removal Home Remedy

Break a piece of an Aloe Vera leaf and rub it directly onto the affected tanned areas of the body. Leave this on for about 15 minutes and wash off with water, this helps in fading the tan quickly. 

Natural Remedies to Remove Tan with Lemon

A squeeze of Lemon juice comes in handy for a host of your summer woes, one of them being- sun-tanned skin. This citrus fruit has natural bleaching properties and is rich in antioxidants and Vitamin C that helps to lighten skin by naturally exfoliating the epidermis and removing skin cells that are darker pigmented due to the tan.

#7 Homemade Tan Removal 

Mix some fresh Lemon Juice, a little Sugar, and a generous amount of Honey in a bowl, until you have a spreadable consistency. Apply this paste onto the affected areas. Leave it on for about 20 minutes until it dries up. Step into a hot shower and allow the steam to wrap your body. After about 3-5 minutes, scrub the Lemon, Sugar, and Honey mix in circular motions, and finally, rinse off with some lukewarm water.


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