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Best Dental Clinic in Kharadi

Want to Know about dentist ? :- A dentist is a doctor who practices dentistry. Dentistry involves the mouth, teeth, gums, and related areas. A dentist takes care of the overall oral healthcare. Common procedures performed at the dentist are tooth filling, tooth extraction, cleaning and polishing of teeth, and minor tooth surgeries like root canal treatment. Within dentistry, there are many specializations that require further training.

Want to Know about Dentist Degree ? :- A doctoral degree in the field of dental medicine or dental surgery is required to become a dentist. The pre-requisite for doing a dental course is a 4-year bachelor’s degree in a science related field. Qualifying in the dental admission exam and enrolling in a dental school are the next steps.

Taking care of oral hygiene is a very important step towards healthy living. Bad breath can be embarrassing and in most cases be traced to conditions of the teeth. For any oral problem, it is always a good idea to see one of the registered dentists in Pune.

Why to visit Dental Clinic ?

Bad smell – Halitosis :- It is generally resulted due to gingivitis – poor oral hygiene so solution is to get scaling / teeth cleaning done by dentist.

Bleeding Gums – Redning, swelling, bad smell associated :- It is resulted due to gingivitis or periodontitis – condion due to poor oral hygiene – so solution is to get scaling / teeth cleaning done by dentist.

Mobility in teeth :- It is usually due to lack of scaling ( teeth cleaning by doctor) or Severe periodontitis or partial fractures in teeth, Sometimes trauma or habits of excessive teeth use

Tooth decay :- Tooth decay is the softening of the tooth enamel that is caused by acids that are created when plaque breaks down the sugar in your mouth. If this is left untreated, cavities can occur which might be very painful in future

Sensitivity in teeth :- It may be due to tooth decay, recession in gums, atrition or abrasion of teeth, using hard brush or brushing vigorously, High points on teeth, TMJ issues

Pain and swelling :- In case of unusual pain and swelling in the mouth that lasts more than a couple of days, it's time to see a specialist. Chances are that this could lead to more severe pain or tooth loss.

Difficulty in Chewing :- It is usually due to severe tooth decay and swelling in the mouth, TMJ issues

Bruxism :- It is usually due to night clenching and stress related tooth grinding which may lead to TMJ issues if untreated in time

Difficulty in Opening Mouth :- It is due to TMJ issues or unusual pain and swelling in the mouth or bad Habits like smoking & tobacco Chewing

Sores that refuse to heal :- In case you notice sores, lumps or red patches of skin in your mouth that doesn't heal or go away for more than a couple of weeks it's time to see a dentist.

White patches on toungue or gums & Cheeks :- It is due poor oral hygiene, Consuption of excessive tobacco, Smoking or Beetle nut, it might be a serious condition so meet dentist asap


Dental scaling and polishing –This procedure is usually performed in case you have a tartar accumulation. It helps to get rid of the hard deposits.

Dental fillings – If there is a hole in your tooth, this procedure may be taken up by the doctor to fill the opening. The filling can be made of composite which is highly esthetic and durable

Root canal treatment – A root canal treatment helps you to keep your tooth which you would have otherwise lost. This treatment is carried out to treat an infected tooth.

Dental crowns – Crown is a covering which is fixed on the top of the tooth and acts as a cap for the tooth. it is usually given after Root canal treatment. Options Metal / PFM / Zirconia all ceramic

Tooth extractions – removing badly decayed tooth.

Valplast – Removalble Partial Dentures – The dentist would replace a broken tooth by this procedure. Flexible partial dentures

Dental bridges – The dentist would replace a broken tooth by this procedure. grind adjacent teeth and join minimum 3 teeth together to make one fuctional Crown structure

Dental Implants – The dentist would replace a broken tooth by this procedure. Putting a screw inside bone , attaching a functional crown on top of it

Wisdom tooth extractions – removing badly decayed or Impacted wisdom tooth from inside bone. Usually it advised to consult MDS oral Surgeon for better results

Braces – Orthodontic braces is a treatment for alignment of malaligned teeth by using brackets, wires, springs