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Although most Americans today possess guns for protection, many still own them for fun and the culture. The US has thousands of shooting ranges that offer gun lovers safe environments to enjoy shooting while perfecting their skills. However, as much as you love guns, they are designed to kill. Therefore, to enjoy shooting as a hobby, you must prioritize safety. That’s the only way you’ll stay alive and well long enough to explore the depths of this sport. Here are some tips on how to start shooting as a hobby. 


Learn the Basic Firearm Safety Rules

Once again, shooting is a dangerous hobby, and a simple mistake could cost a life. Depending on your state, you might not even be allowed to purchase a firearm before undergoing formal firearm safety training. If you visit a range that rents them out, they’ll first take you through basic safety drills if you’re new to the sport. Below are some fundamental rules for safe handling of guns: 

  • Always point your gun in a safe direction – Even when not in use, your weapon should be pointed in a safe direction. Don’t point it at something you are not willing to destroy.
  • Always keep your finger away from the trigger unless you are ready to shoot: This is to avoid accidentally firing a round and obliterating unintended targets.
  • Always ensure the gun is unloaded until you’re ready to use it: To confirm that a firearm is not loaded, you must open the chamber. If you don’t know how to do this, get help. Otherwise, you may mishandle a gun thinking it’s not loaded, only to end up hurting someone. Even if you know a gun is not loaded, you should always treat it as if it is loaded and continue following the two rules above.

Besides, the NRA has additional rules to help you store and use your firearm safely. These keep you safe and make it difficult for unauthorized individuals to access and misuse your weapons. 

Get the Necessary Gear and Equipment

Like any other hobby, sport shooting requires specific equipment and gear. Below are the essentials you’ll need to pursue this hobby:

Firearms: This is the primary and most obvious one. The type of gun you purchase will depend on the sport shooting you intend to take up. The most commonly used sporting rifle in the US today is the AR-15.

Further, the more you use your gun, the better you’ll understand it. If something, say the grip or trigger, is not working for you, you can always customize it. You can buy an AR-15 grip or any other tactical gun accessories you may need. Customizing will help you familiarize yourself with your guns, allowing you to handle them better and improve your overall shooting experience. 

Ammunition: This is one of the most recurring expenses of this hobby. You can buy a gun and maintain it for decades. Unfortunately, once you fire a round, it’s gone, and you must get another. Since you’ll be shooting often, it will help to buy bulk ammunition and get an ammo can for their safe transportation to the range or wherever you choose to go shooting. Ranges restrict incendiary, armor piercing, and tracer ammunition. Whenever you doubt your ammo/gun combination, invite a range employee to check them before you shoot.

Safety Gear: Gunshots are loud and could damage your ears. Ensure you have some padding to protect your ears when shooting at the range. Additionally, shooting targets like clay pigeons can also create a lot of debris and shrapnel from bullets can come back your way. Those alongside the hot gasses guns emit could hurt your eyes. Always wear safety glasses when sport shooting. 

For extra safety, put on body armor. Rounds could ricochet on you, or someone could accidentally pull a trigger while pointing their gun in the wrong direction. This could save your life.  


Comfortable Attire: Sport shooting at times requires speed and cycling between guns. If you have holsters on your waist, tuck in to avoid infringement when drawing and returning your weapons. Wear a hat on sunny days to protect your face from the sun, and layer up on cold days to keep warm.

The more skin you expose at the range, the likelier you are to get burns from expended cartridges.  Avoid tank tops and crop tops, and dress yourself for the weather.  


Join a Shooter’s Club

Once you have the basic skills and equipment necessary for your shooting hobby, you only need to find an association of fellow leisure shooters near you. These clubs regularly organize fun shooting activities. They’ll get you into competitions and fun hunts that’ll allow you to have fun while perfecting your marksmanship. You’ll also interact with more experienced shooters who’ll guide you on various elements of the sport. These people will help you develop faster as a shooter. 

In summary, developing a shooting hobby in the US is quite simple. Since the law allows you to own and carry firearms, just find the above-listed gear and a group of shooting buddies. With these and the interest, you’re good to go!



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