1. Business

How to Start Your Own Business in Healthcare 2022 | Episode 1 – Healthcare Business 101

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I want to say to you what I did when I got started from zero to one million in
my health care businesses now I think it's really important for you to
think about you starting your business what I'll show you in this about what you need to do to at least make a start one stop one step is better than no step now some of you may have been worrying and stressing thinking I'm never going to get my agency started I'm never going to get my care home started but I want to tell you what I did to get started and I want you to think about this as well so some tips here the first thing I did was I needed to create space for my business and I know a lot of you are going through this right now so this is why I'm doing this to help you and some tips of how I did and what I did in order to get my agency started for example now some of you you're working full time you've got busy lifestyles going on you've got you've got work when you finish work you come home you're exhausted you're tired you just want to relax you've got the children you need to cook for you've got friends family loved ones you've got busyness going around you in every direction and I understand that you feel pulled however you're gonna feel deflated if this is your dream if you don't start to make room for your business so I did that was the first thing I had to do I ‘ve you know I ‘ve got four kids I had three kids at the time as well so think about making room for your business now the first thing I did
I only had I didn't have an extra office space so I had a bedroom so my bedroom became my office I literally put a lock on the door and thankfully I admired my husband or you can have family members that can help look after your children for example but that was my office space I made room didn't do try and do my business in the living room where everyone's running around it's busy you know it's a busy workstation house yeah so I did it up in my bedroom I went up in my bedroom and I literally
I said to my husband put a lock on the door so he put a lock on the door and I locked it and whilst I was there I was focused I was able to work on my business now I ‘m not saying neglect your family members at all because that's not what I did I made sure everyone was fed and watered
then I went upstairs and then I locked myself in my bedroom I know I sound like a teenager right but that was the fact I locked myself in the bedroom and then I was able to work on my business and you know it was really funny quite a lot of times because the kids would be like what's mom doing because they were young um it was hard for them to understand what was going on so sometimes I ‘d be working away on my business and the kids would be there trying to open the door you know I could hear this
but I still kept focused that's the second thing you have to do you create your space of where you're gonna work from where it's quiet no distractions no telephones unless you do a business of course and you have to keep focused now that's what I did the first thing I did I created space for my business and I used the time that I was able to work on my business and I stuck to that time unless there was a family emergency you have to keep focus so the second thing like I said keep focus have an action plan of when you're going to work on your business talk with your family members talk with you your loved ones friends let them know that you are going to be working on your business at this time so therefore you can't have any distractions because you want to help your family in the long run but you
have to look at helping yourself first you have to make sure your cup is full first in order to help that's the second thing so be focused in what you're doing and that's what I did to get started and I was actually literally locked in my bedroom I would say for about three months I worked on my business I did the policies I did the procedures I did the research I started applying for things and then I started to get contracts
got registered with the local government at the time and I just kept doing that I kept rinsing and repeating my agency was earning a million dollars
you know that was a long time ago that was in 2001 for example
so that's what I did but I also I created a vision board I wrote myself out a check for 1.4 million I wrote it out and I had that on my wall in my bedroom some of you would have uh received an email from me with the million-pound note telling you to print it off I got it from for example shuttle stock you know you've got to have something that you can see that you're aiming for have a vision of where you see yourself in one year time or three years time how much money do you see in the bank when I started my agency like I said I had an accountant come and I said that I was going to earn 1.4 million but I had a dream that I saw 4.4 million in my bank account so you've got to keep focus you've got to have a space where you can be creative to work on your business that's the only way you're going to move that's the only way you're going to move going to keep pulling you back your work that you're currently doing is going to keep pulling you in sucking you in you know and I know that it's not nice when you're doing so many hours and you possibly feel unappreciated like I did you know and I wanted to do something about my life I was living on a council estate I didn't enjoy living there so that was my driving force to get out we were living in a councillor state whereby there were robberies going on there was fights going on fires all kinds of things you know so what is your driving force to getting you out and getting you started on your business like I said you must make room and I made room in my house in my bedroom that was my office space and back then the internet it was a dialogue connection but we still was able to function you know even before internet came on we still was able to function but like I said to you think about if you want to get started do what I did and I ‘m giving you advice what I did to get started from zero to one million for example you've got to think and first do things step by step have an action plan and focus and stick to the action plan as much as possible and I know that we've all got busy lives we've all got things going on at the moment but we can control the things that we can control so I created a space where I was able to focus on my business and I was able to get my agency up and running within three months I was then able to buy my house because it was a council house I was able to buy my house and then I was able to to get the other care homes for example then I was able to buy another house so I kept rinsing and repeating and it's about multiple streams of income and I want you to think about making space for your business because it is important just like you would make space for if the family was coming to visit you in your home you would create a space for them because they're important and your business dream is important to you so please create space for your business.

Sounds helpful? Book an appointment now for free!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ChristineBlackledgecarebusinessconsultancy/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/carestartup
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christine-blackledge-crowle-irp-8b89941a/
Website: https://www.startinganursingagency.co.uk/
Email: info@christineblackledge.com
Telephone Number: 01903 898135

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