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How to Stop Hair Fall in Monsoon?



As the monsoon season sets in, the cool showers and lush greenery bring a refreshing change. However, for many, this season also brings along a common problem – hair fall. The increased humidity, moisture, and fungal infections in the monsoon can wreak havoc on your hair, leaving you with a stressful hair fall situation. But don’t worry, in this blog, we’ll discuss effective tips to prevent hair fall during the monsoon and how MEMD HEALTHTECH, an online doctor consultation platform in Pune, can connect you with dermatologists and Skin & hair specialists through online consultations, offering expert guidance.

1. Maintain Scalp Hygiene :

The first step in preventing hair fall during the monsoon is to maintain good scalp hygiene. The increased humidity and sweat can lead to a buildup of dirt and oil on your scalp, which can clog hair follicles and lead to hair fall. To combat this, make sure you wash your hair regularly with a mild shampoo. A dermatologist online consultation can provide personalized advice on the right shampoo and cleaning routine for your hair type.

2. Avoid Using Hot Water :

While a hot shower may seem tempting during the rainy season, it can actually be harmful to your hair. Hot water strips away the natural oils from your scalp and makes your hair dry and brittle. Instead, opt for lukewarm or cool water when washing your hair. This will help in retaining moisture and preventing excessive hair fall. An online skin doctor consultation can provide specific recommendations based on your hair and scalp condition.

3. Use Anti-Dandruff Shampoo :

The monsoon season often brings along an increase in dandruff due to the humid conditions. Dandruff can lead to itching and hair fall. To combat this issue, consider using an anti-dandruff shampoo as recommended by a dermatologist. An online Skin & hair specialist consultation can help identify the right product for your needs.

4. Hair Conditioning :

Hair conditioning is essential to keep your hair hydrated and prevent frizz. Opt for a good-quality conditioner that suits your hair type and use it after every shampoo. This will not only make your hair soft and manageable but also reduce hair fall. A dermatologist online consultation can provide insights into which conditioner is best for your specific hair concerns.

5. Keep Hair Dry :

During the monsoon, it’s important to keep your hair dry as much as possible. Excessive moisture can weaken the hair shaft, leading to breakage. If you get caught in the rain, make sure to dry your hair thoroughly as soon as you can. Avoid tying wet hair tightly, as it can lead to fungal infections on the scalp. Consult an online Skin & hair doctor for advice on dealing with fungal infections if you notice any symptoms.

6. Oil Massage :

Regular oil massages can do wonders for your hair’s health. Massaging your scalp with warm oil not only improves blood circulation but also nourishes the hair follicles. Choose oils like coconut, olive, or almond oil, and perform this ritual at least once a week. An online skin specialist consultation can recommend the best oil and massage technique for your hair type.

7. Balanced Diet :

A healthy diet plays a crucial role in preventing hair fall. Ensure that your diet is rich in vitamins, minerals, and proteins. Include foods like leafy greens, eggs, fish, and nuts in your meals. Additionally, stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. If you have specific dietary concerns related to hair fall, an online dermatologist consultation can provide personalized dietary advice.

8. Avoid Tight Hairstyles :

Tying your hair tightly in ponytails or buns can put stress on the hair shaft and scalp, leading to hair fall. During the monsoon, opt for loose hairstyles that don’t pull on your hair. This will reduce the risk of breakage and hair fall.

MEMD HEALTHTECH: Your Partner in Dermatologist Online Consultation

If you’re facing persistent hair fall issues during the monsoon and need expert guidance, MEMD HEALTHTECH is here to help. They offer online dermatologist consultation, online skin doctor consultation, and skin specialist online consultation services in Pune. You can access experienced dermatologists and skin specialists from the comfort of your home.

MEMD HEALTHTECH’s platform allows you to schedule a virtual consultation with a qualified dermatologist or Skin & hair specialist. During the online consultation, you can discuss your hair and scalp concerns, receive personalized advice, and even get prescriptions if necessary. This convenient and safe approach to healthcare ensures that you receive expert guidance without the need to visit a clinic physically.

Conclusion :

Hair fall during the monsoon season can be distressing, but with the right care and precautions, you can minimize its impact. Remember to maintain scalp hygiene, use anti-dandruff products, condition your hair regularly, and keep it dry. Additionally, consult a dermatologist online through MEMD HEALTHTECH for personalized guidance and solutions tailored to your specific needs. By following these tips and seeking expert advice, you can enjoy healthy and lustrous hair throughout the monsoon.


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