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how to stop hotmail from automatically signing in

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  • Microsoft – was initially known as MSN Hotmail, it is an email service run by Microsoft as a part of Window live . It is commonly used for communication at present as it is the convenient mode of communication both at the personal as well as at professional front. At times the individual has felt that Hotmail gets automatically signed in because of which the purpose of the password gets forfeited.How to stop the hotmail from automatically signing in – it can be taken care in the following way·       
  •  First and foremost the individual has to go to the service tab and hit on the same and then look for the option Microsoft –Account Sign –in Assistant if that is already tick in order to disable the same click on by removing the tick mark beside it·      
  • Click the Apply option and then hit on Ok·         
  • Restart the computer and if you want to access Hotmail in this case the individual has to sign back again ,if the individual faces any problem in caring out the steps then the individual can seek help from Hotmail customer service either by calling the representative or through the help of the forum and can also join the forum for the future reference