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Skateboarding is a fun activity and we all enjoy doing it so much. As a beginner, sometimes it becomes tough to learn skateboarding but once you learn the skill, it is one of the most loved activities to do. Do you know that the city of Melbourne has been spending a very huge amount so that Lincoln Square can be resurfaced?

We all know that buying a Skateboard is very easy but at the same time, it is very important to take care of your skateboard Ramp and maintain it so that you can use it for longer durations. We are here to help you out with how to protect your Skateboard Ramp and keep it safe from the wet environments outside. So here it is:

  • How to keep the skateboard ramp protected?

The very first solution to keep your skateboard ramp protected is using skate paint so that you get a complete layer of protection over it. We all want that our skateboard ramp can last longer and we want to always prolong its life.

 If you have purchased an outdoor skateboard you should always apply a sufficient amount of skate paint that acts like a Varnish as well as it should be Marine so that it does not get affected by the vet environment. Also, this type of Varnish is designed in such a way that it can be used for the protection of wooden wraps.

Don't worry about the design or the style of your skateboard ramp because this varnish is completely clear and at the same time very thick which helps in properly sealing the plywood.

  • How to cover your skateboard ramp from wet conditions outdoor?

We cannot stop environmental changes and in such situations, almost all types of materials become very prone to damage. Be it any kind of material that you have your skateboard ramp made with, the wet weather outside can make it very abusive. As soon as you say that there is a climate change, you should make it a point that you go out and cover your skateboard ramp with a plastic tarp so that the damage due to wet weather conditions can be minimized as much as possible.

 There are so many areas in Australia that have very wet weather conditions and this point should always be kept in mind. It takes just a few minutes to cover up your skateboard ramp and you are protected. If in case the weather becomes very windy, you should always keep some heavy items or maybe have bricks around the plastic tarp so that due to the wind it does not fly off.

You should always buy this plastic tarp from a good-rated hardware Store. You can also put away this plastic tarp when it's not in requirement.

  • Is it advisable to leave your skateboard ramp outdoors?

This is one of the most common questions that all skateboard ramp owners ask and the answer is that, skateboard ramps are made of a different quality of word which is suitable to be kept outside but if you want the skateboard ramp to last for a longer time duration, then you can always keep it in some open space inside your house or even a garage.

 In case you have a grind box or even a quarter pipe, you can easily carry this skateboard ramp inside. It completely depends upon you if you want to use a tarp and varnish or put it indoors.


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