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Apart from taste, World's Finest Chocolates areBloodPressure Support  characterized for their nutriments. Within your preferred brand, Hershey chocolate, Ghirardelli chocolate, Nestle chocolate, or Lindt Chocolates, you will find that they are available in dark chocolate and white chocolate presentations.

Nutritionally speaking, white chocolate is a new comer that has been promoted for the benefits of its higher content of milk. However, this type of chocolate candy is not exactly what a chocolate should be.

Standards of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) states that white chocolate is a combination of milk solids, butterfat, cocoa butter, sugar, lecithin and flavorings, but NO chocolate, but a similar tasting resulting from cocoa butter and sometimes artificial flavoring.

Although a white Hershey chocolate was introduced in 2005, it is White Nestle chocolate, which is more commonly found in this variety, which color is not due to milk content, but sublime or vegetable fat. You must be careful with this product more often referred to as confectionery or summer coating with very low nutritional value.



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