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Acne is not uncommon. Acne is a common side effect of puberty. However, sometimes they leave scars behind. Some of it may disappear, but many don't. In this case, acne scar treatments are there to the rescue. 

Dr. Roopi Khera of the Glo Medispa Clinic, which provides the best acne scar treatment in Ludhiana, explains that although active acne outbreaks are annoying, the difficult-to-remove scars that acne leaves behind are even worse. Due to the loss of collagen brought on by acne inflammation, acne scars are dermal scarring. If acne is left untreated, the skin heals with scarring, just like it does after trauma or surgery. Fortunately, the condition can be treated with various medical treatments. 

What Causes Acne and scars?

Acne: When bacteria, oils, and dead skin cells clog, the small pores in the skin through which sweat and oil rise to the surface, an acne lesion (pimple) develops. The human skin sheds 40,000 cells every hour, yet occasionally one of those dead cells gets stuck in a pore. There are occasions when tiny, clogged pores cause “whiteheads or blackheads.” These pores can sometimes swell up and cause different kinds of acne.

Acne Scars: Damage to the skin's dermis layer, which is located underneath the epidermis, leads to acne scarring. Inflammation develops when excessive oil, germs, and dead skin cells restrict skin pores. Depending on the kind of acne and the extent of the damage, this inflammation can deteriorate the skin tissue and cause scarring. The degree of damage will also depend on the type of acne. If a person squeezes or picks their acne, has a family history of acne scarring, or has a certain skin color, their risk of developing acne scars increases.

Types of Acne Scars

Acne scars are usually categorized into hypertrophic and atrophic scars. 

  • Hypertrophic Scars: These scars develop on the back, chest, and shoulders. Those with a dark skin tone are most likely to get these scars. 
  • Atrophic Scars: There are mostly three types of atrophic scars:
  1. Rolling Scars: They look sloppy and round and give a wavy impression on the skin. 
  2. Boxer Scars: These scars are broad, box-shaped, and have angular edges. Due to the relative thickness of the skin in these areas, they most frequently develop on the jaw and lower cheeks.

  3. Ice-pick Scars: These have a wide top and a narrow bottom. These deeply affecting scars have a V-shape. Vigorous treatment is required.

The Best Treatments for Acne Scars 

Laser: A concentrated beam of light is utilized in non-invasive laser therapy to target and eliminate damaged skin tissue for acne scars. The procedure aids in boosting collagen synthesis, encouraging the development of fresh, healthy skin cells. It can lessen acne scars' size, depth, and color, making them seem better. There are two types of laser treatments for acne:

  • Ablative Resurfacing: Ablative laser resurfacing is a technique that makes the most of a laser tool that resembles a wand to remove the top layer of skin from acne scarring. It is seldom referred to as laser peeling as it eradicates old skin cells and stimulates new skin cell growth. 
  • Non-ablative Resurfacing: This laser type does not remove any skin cells. Instead, it heats the skin to reduce the appearance of acne scars. The heat stimulates collagen production and makes it look younger and smoother. 

Chemical Peels: A treatment that aids in the aesthetic improvement of acne scars is mid-deep dermal peeling, or chemical restoration of skin scars (CROSS). Repeated peels every 15 to 21 days help to increase collagen synthesis and reduce scar appearance.

Microneedling: By delivering active molecules to the skin's dermis layer by micro-needling, the scar can be healed by forming new collagen.

The micro-needling technique uses a sterile, single-use digital tip with 12 extremely small needles that puncture the skin 2000 times per second. This causes the treatment location to experience an activation of the body's healing system.

The cells that move to the treated area create new collagen, which enhances the scar's appearance.

Additionally, micro-needling introduces active ingredients into the dermis layer of the skin, where they remain and gradually improve the skin's texture for up to an additional year.

Other Treatment Options for Acne Scars 

Planning the acne scar treatment should consider the patient's age, lifestyle, acne kind, and severity. The dermatologist in Ludhiana may advise the following: 

  • Chemical peels, TCA CROSS, and laser resurfacing are wonderful choices for someone who lives inside and has plenty of time but a limited budget.
  • Microneedling, non-ablative laser resurfacing, PRP, and GFC treatment work well for those who live indoors but don't have much free time or a strict deadline for results. 
  • For someone who needs results right away, dermal fillers and threads are the good options.

When to See a Dermatologist?

If the acne scars are severe or chronic and detract from one's quality of life or self-esteem, consult a dermatologist. Additionally, it might be time to seek professional assistance if over-the-counter medicines and DIY remedies have failed to lessen the appearance of the scars. A dermatologist might examine the skin to make scars look less noticeable and suggest procedures like chemical peels, laser therapy, or micro-needling.

How to Prevent Acne Scars?

It is important to take certain measures to prevent acne scars in the first place. Below are some of the most effective general guidelines to prevent acne scars: 

  • The skin needs sunlight to produce vitamin D. However, too much sun exposure can darken scars. Scars could be easier to see if one has a darker complexion. Thus, it is essential to use sunscreen.
  • Avoid picking, scratching, or squeezing the skin since doing so can further damage it, increase inflammation, and aggravate scarring.
  • Treat the acne as soon as possible, since the longer one waits, the more likely it is to develop.
  • Smoking increases the likelihood of scarring from damage to other body parts and acne.

How long does it take for Acne Scars to Disappear?

The healing period depends on the severity of the condition and the type of treatment one takes. Consulting about this with the skin doctor is best. 

If looking for the best acne scar treatment in Ludhiana, one must visit Glo Medispa, the best skin clinic in Ludhiana. With years of experience and unparalleled expertise, Dr. Roopi Khera has built a stable and impressive track record of accomplishments. Book a consultation with Dr. Roopi Khera today!

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