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Weed crusher are a great tool for crushing your herb. However, they're not as simple to use as you might think. If you don't know how to use them correctly, you'll end up wasting precious time and money by having to sift through a messy pile of chunky crumbs rather than enjoying smooth herb on your next joint or pipe bowl. In this guide we'll show you how easy it is to use a weed crusher while ensuring that no precious product ends up wasted in the process!

Put your weed in the crusher

To use a weed crusher, you'll need:

  • A weed grinder (if you don't have one, check out our guide to choosing the best one).
  • Your favorite strain of cannabis. This is important because different strains have different effects and can vary in potency–so if you're looking for something specific like pain relief or relaxation, make sure to choose an indica-dominant hybrid that has been bred specifically for these purposes.

Place the machine on a hard surface like concrete.

  • Place the machine on a hard surface like concrete.
  • Do not place the machine on carpet or grass, as these surfaces can be damaged by the weight of your weed crusher and will cause it to malfunction.
  • If you need to use your weed crusher in more than one location, consider purchasing an additional stand so that it can be transported easily from place to place without having to dismantle it each time.

Ensure that the machine is on and the shredding chamber is open.

Ensure that the machine is on and the shredding chamber is open.

  • Turn on your weed crusher. You should see a green light come on as soon as it's plugged in, indicating that it's ready for use. If this doesn't happen, check to make sure that:
  • The cord has been correctly plugged into an outlet (and not just loosely plugged into an extension cord).
  • Your power switch isn't turned off or broken (if there even is one).

Turn your weed over in the crusher.

  • Turn the weed over to get the best results.
  • The crusher will crush your weed from all sides, so if you don't turn it over at least a few times, there will be some spots that are left unscathed by its blades.
  • The more times you're able to turn your cannabis in the machine, the better–this ensures that every inch of your product has been ground into bits that are ready for consumption!
  • But be careful: turning too much may result in spilling some precious pot onto the floor or table top (or worse).

Turn up the dial until it reaches maximum capacity.

The first step is to turn up the dial until it reaches maximum capacity. Maximum capacity is a function of the size of your weed crusher, as well as the type of weed you are trying to crush. The more weeds you put in, the more weed will come out!

Wait for your weed to be crushed into small particles.

You can expect your weed to be crushed into small particles in around 10 minutes, depending on the size of your machine and how much weed you put in at once. If you're using a smaller weed crusher, it may take less time; if you're using a larger one, it might take longer.

Weed crushers are efficient but they do take time to operate properly, so be patient when using them.

A weed crusher is an efficient way to get rid of unwanted plants. It takes time and patience, but it's worth the effort when you consider how much money you'll save in labor costs.

You can use a weed crusher for many different types of weeds, including grasses, clover and dandelions. The machine uses sharp blades to chop up the plant material into smaller pieces so they can be easily removed from your lawn or garden bed.

If you're thinking about purchasing one of these machines for yourself or someone else on your gift list this year you can buy it from website Happy Trail also provide you with free shipping on all orders above Rs 500/-(or even if they already have one), here's what you need to know:


Weed crushers are an excellent way to get rid of your unwanted cannabis plants. They are efficient and can crush up to four pounds of weed in just one hour. However, they do require patience and attention while they work so it is important not to leave them unattended when using one.