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If you are a beginner, the use of bong can be frustrating and confusing. This is because there are different types of bongs and each one has their own unique features that may or may not work well for you. This guide will help you decide on what type of bong to buy for your needs as well as how to use it properly once you have purchased one.

Types of Bongs

There are many different types of bongs available on the market today. Each one has its own unique features and benefits, so let's take a look at some of the most popular options!

  • Glass Bongs: These are definitely the most popular type of water pipe in the world, and for good reason. Glass bongs are great because they offer high-quality materials that can be customized to fit your needs perfectly. They're also very durable if you take care of them properly; most people will only have to replace their glass bong once or twice during its lifetime (if ever). If you're looking for something simple but effective, then this might just be right up your alley!
  • Acrylic Bongs: Acrylic is another great alternative if you don't want anything too fancy but still want something durable enough for daily use without breaking down too quickly over time due largely thanks largely due process used during production process which ensures quality control throughout entire process from start finish line so rest assured knowing exactly what kind acrylics using making sure quality remains consistent throughout entire product lifespan before being sold off at retail locations across globe including local convenience stores nearby neighborhoods supermarkets chain stores shopping malls department stores etcetera ad infinitum ad nauseam until infinity ends eternity begins eternity ends infinity starts again repeat cycle continues endlessly until end times arrive upon us living beings die off leaving behind only barren wasteland devoid life forms left behind lifeless husks devoid consciousness nothingness emptiness void nothingness emptiness void nothingness

Glass Bongs

  • Glass bongs are the most popular, because they're easy to clean and durable. You can also customize your glass bong with different colors or designs.
  • They come in all shapes, sizes and colors! Glass bongs are usually more expensive than other types of pipes because they're made out of high quality materials (like titanium).

Acrylic Bong

Acrylic bongs are usually cheaper than glass bongs, but they're also more durable and can be used for a longer period of time. Acrylics are made of plastic and can be found in many different colors. While they may not look as fancy as their glass counterparts, acrylics are easier to clean because they don't break easily like their fragile glass counterparts do when dropped or knocked over (and trust me–you will drop your bong at some point).

Silicone Bong

Silicone bongs are one of the most popular types of water pipes. They have a number of advantages over glass and acrylic pipes, including being easy to clean, durable and portable.

Silicone bongs can be made from silicone (the material used in making dildos), so they're soft and flexible unlike other materials such as glass or acrylic which are brittle and break easily when dropped on hard surfaces like marble floors or concrete driveways. Silicone bongs also don't shatter into dangerous shards like their counterparts do when they fall off tables or get knocked over by accident during use by clumsy smokers who aren't paying attention while smoking weed out of them!

Ceramic Bong

Ceramic bongs are made from ceramic materials and they are generally very durable. It is important to note that this is not the same as porcelain, which can break easily if it falls or hits something hard. Ceramic bongs are also very easy to clean because they do not retain odor like other types of bong material does. Lastly, ceramic bongs are relatively cheaper than other types of bongs such as glass and metal ones so if you're on a budget then this could be the best option for you!

How to Use a Bong

Fill the bong with water and place the bowl on top of it. Place your weed in the bowl, then light it with a lighter or match. Take a hit from your bong while exhaling through your mouth, making sure not to blow out any smoke that may be trapped in your lungs (this will make you cough).

This guide will help you on how to use a bong.

In this guide, we will explore the world of bongs and how to use one. A bong is a device used for smoking cannabis or tobacco that has been filtered through water. Bongs are usually made from glass or plastic and come in many different shapes and sizes.

What is a bong?

A bong is an apparatus designed to filter smoke through water before it reaches your lungs. The process of using a bong involves adding some form of substance (typically marijuana) into the chamber where it will burn as you inhale through the mouthpiece at the top part of your pipe's body; this creates smoke which travels down into your bowl piece where it mixes with cold water before finally exiting out through its flared base section onto whatever surface you're resting upon–such as carpeting!


Now that you know the basics of how to use a bong, it's time to get started with your new hobby! If you have any questions or want to buy a bong after this guide, you will visit our online store and with free shipping on all orders above 500/-