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Employee monitoring is a bitter topic that people don’t like to talk about but addressing this topic is becoming necessary with the increase in remote working and digital nomadism. People generally hate the idea of being watched and it is understandable since it’s hard to convince people that the tracker is safe when it continuously watch and record every single action during working hours.

One of the other issues that make employee tracker a bitter issue is a suspicion that the tracker might be looking into their personal information or is watching over them even in their free time. This puts people in an uncomfortable position and hesitant to trust the employee monitoring software.

employee monitoring software

So what are the ways that can help to put the mind of the employees in peace and assure them that none of their personal information is getting leaked and the tracker doesn’t track after working hours?

Well, one can start with addressing the concerns of the employees and explain the working of the tracking system in a detailed and simple way. Create a clear policy regarding employee monitoring and highlight the authority of the employee so that they don’t feel burdened and learn the policy with a positive mindset.

Monitor the business activity on the basis of the nature of their task. It means what is considered on-limit and off-limits should be decided on the nature of the task appointed to them. Like a game developer with obviously run the game to check it out, that doesn’t count as slacking off but if your accountant is playing games that might cause some troubles.

employee monitoring software

Use trustworthy employee monitoring software. Use trustworthy employee monitoring software. Look for software that does the job only half-way and could compromise your privacy. Choose apps that provide clear details of their functions and services like Acteamo.

Acteamo is a platform that provides various tools such as project management tools, that can help with the management of your project, track the working time, enhance the productivity of the organization, etc.



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