1. Business

How to use Pop-Up successfully for your online store?

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What is a pop-up?

An online resource known as a pop-up emerges when a user interacts with an electronic website. These elements, also known as “pop-ups,” suddenly present information that forces visitors to interact with the information presented, whether advertising or informational.

What is a pop-up for?

The function of pop-ups is to present relevant information to online store visitors to attract their attention. These resources allow directing the interaction between users of the platform or conditioning the accessibility of its contents. Because in many cases visitors want to continue browsing the shopify store, they will follow the prompts in these windows to stay on the site.

With pop-ups, users can link to other products or pages, which increases the number of visits to the page; In addition, they can also access attractive offers and promotions. At the same time, pop-ups can include forms that allow personal information to be collected, such as age, email or location, which favors the creation of better browsing and consumption experiences.

Do pop-ups work?

The numbers don't lie: pop-ups work, in most cases producing  an average 5-10% increase in conversions with a specific pop-up strategy . Still, is it worth sacrificing the experience a visitor has on your site? The answer is no. User experience takes priority over everything else. But what if you didn't have to choose between performance and a good experience? What if you could create easy-to-use pop-ups that aren't annoying?

Here are 4 tips to create high-converting pop-ups (that do not annoy the user)


1. Offer something relevant and valuable

The problem with most pop-ups is that they hinder a visitor's experience, rather than improve it. Often this is because what the pop-up offers is not useful to the visitor or has nothing to do with the page. To increase the engagement of your pop-up and improve the experience of those who visit your online store, make sure you offer something outstanding and that it relates to the page they are on. For example, if your users are reading a post about social media, you might want to offer a free eBook on the same topic:

2. Think about the way people interact with your pages

Another common mistake marketers make with pop-ups is making them appear at the wrong time, which increases the dislike factor. Be strategic about the timing and triggering of your pop-up forms. Think about the way visitors interact with certain pages on your site. For example, when someone pursues a blog post, they do so by scrolling down, while interpreting the content.

If you want to capture your visitors when they are most interested, you should customize the pop-up to appear when the user has already scrolled halfway down the page.

Similarly, if people stay on your pricing pages for more than 30 seconds, it means they are showing some commitment to your product or service because they are taking the time to analyze and consider their options. In this scenario, you could use a time-based pop-up, which appears when a visitor has been on the page for a specific number of seconds or minutes.

To understand exactly how your visitors interact with the pages on your site, review Google Analytics data  , such as bounce rate and average time on page. Better yet, use a tool like HotJar  or  Crazy Egg  to log users on your site to build heat maps of where they click and scroll. This will give you a better idea of ​​how people are engaging with your content and where it is ideal to place a pop-up.

3. Use specific, practical and human language

Most pop-ups have a pretty basic design: a title, some short text, and maybe an image. In other words, they don't contain much information that you can work with. This means that a good copy in your popup form is very important. To craft it, make sure your copy is specific, actionable, and human:

  • Specific: Detail exactly what a visitor will get if they click on your form. Don't tell him that when he clicks he will receive a manual; Tell him he'll receive a 10-page manual with practical tips. Don't invite him to subscribe to an email list; Ask him if he would agree to receive information on a certain topic twice a week.
  • Actionable: Let visitors know exactly what you want them to do. Instead of “Click here,” try using “Download our guide” or, better yet, “Get a free guide.” Craft a compelling call to action that inspires your visitors to take action.
  • Human: Reminds visitors that there is a real person behind the pop-up. Use colloquial language to make your pop-ups friendly. Instead of “Subscribe to our blog,” try “Click here and we'll notify you every time we publish new articles.” This also applies to your CTAs .

4. Keep the mobile experience in mind

In an effort to improve the mobile user experience, Google announced that it would begin penalizing websites that use annoying elements, in other words, pop-ups that disrupt the user experience . We don't want Google positioning to go down due to the use of pop-ups, right? To ensure a user-friendly mobile experience and avoid being penalized by Google,  be sure to exclude your mobile pop-ups or use pop-ups that don't take up the entire screen .

Most emerging tools already offer this type of functionality, but if what you're currently using doesn't, you may need to look for another alternative. Keep in mind that there are solutions to create pop-ups easily and optimized for mobile browsing . These tools will allow you to convert your visits into leads and help you present the information that really interests your audiences.

Do you need a free pop-up app for your online store?

 If you want to use pop-ups for your shopify store, we recommend trying the popper app . We created them to help merchants generate more customers on their online store without sacrificing user experience. With the popper app you can publish an unlimited number of pop ups such as exit intent popups, product targeted popups and set popup timer. The Popper app is designed in such a way to increase your online sales and conversions by producing eye-catching pop-up ads that will draw clients' attention and highlight your unique offers without being obtrusive.