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The method of visualizing desires works only for those elite who sincerely believe in it. If you think in terms of “it will work, it will not work”, you should not even try to materialize your thoughts. The main thing in this business is a strong intention.

The thought is material?

We were taught in school that the mental process is a spiritual substance. It cannot be touched, a scientific experiment can be performed. However, if desired, our ephemeral dreams are realized into practical fruits. To do this, you need to make some effort: study well, work hard, plan the future correctly … or just hit the jackpot.

But there is a secret path accessible to few. He proposes to approach the problem of fulfilling desires from a completely different angle: to learn how to use the power of our thoughts. To increase motivation and finally believe that this technique works, we recommend watching the 2006 film “The Secret”. His characters are ordinary people who managed to materialize their thoughts using the visualization method. Simply put, they have mastered the technique of attracting desired events into their lives not with specific material actions, but with mental energy.

How to visualize desires correctly

The materialization of thoughts is based on the principle “like attracts like”. That is, if you think all day that you will not pass the exam, this will definitely happen. Conversely, if you mentally set yourself up for success, it will attract a positive result.

There are two ways to materialize thoughts:

1. Inner – works with imaginary images reinforced by certain techniques.
2. Objective – aimed at recreating dreams in pictures, photos, videos. The card of desires belongs to this category.

A developed imagination is an indispensable component of success. Look at some simple object like a cup. Calm your thoughts, close your eyes and visualize what you see. If you succeed, you can safely proceed to the methods described below. If not, you must first learn how to visualize. There are practices that allow you to do this correctly. Here are the simplest ones:

  • try to imagine a color with your eyes closed: blue, green, etc .;
  • try to imagine a simple shape: a triangle, a square, a circle;
  • the task becomes more difficult: imagine, for example, a pink circle, or a green ball;
  • when the previous exercises work out correctly, start visualizing complex images. You can look at any drawing or object for 10 minutes, then, with your eyes closed, try to correctly reproduce what was taken away.

Before doing the visualization exercises, you need to enter a calm state. No one should interfere with the practice. Choose a comfortable posture, you can turn on meditative music, breathe deeply and measuredly. When your thoughts have calmed down, proceed. The brighter the picture is, the more real the fulfillment of desires is.

In psychology, the term “power of thought” is often used. The stronger the thought, the more likely it will be able to materialize. In ordinary life, mental power increases in moments of mental stress. For example, you are a fan of your favorite team and sincerely wish it success.

Negative thoughts are most emotionally colored in an ordinary person. Here the mental message is enhanced by the energy of fear, reflection. Such negative attitudes are constantly scrolling through the head, growing into a huge snowball of uncertainty and failure. Meanwhile, in order to activate positive thoughts, you need to make the right efforts. This is what we will try to do in order to materialize our cherished desires.

Don't confuse dreams and visualization. Fantasies flow in an uncontrolled, relaxed flow, we do not make an effort to dream. Visualization is a conscious action: it has a specific purpose and direction.

There are proven rules for this:

  1. Expression must be precise and affirmative. You must formulate your thought so that it is unmistakably understood by the subconscious and is in harmony with the universal laws.
  2. We connect feelings. Try to get a complete sense of the desired object. Emotional color is a faithful assistant to materialization. If you dream of relaxing on a paradise tropical island, feel the rays of the scorching sun, hear the inviting splash of waves, feel the pleasant smell of algae. By itself, such visualization will be beneficial. Just do not relax too much, keep the picture in active consciousness for several minutes.
  3. Thinking about the end result. Imagine not how you will achieve your goal, but the desired outcome. If you want to lose weight, you do not need to imagine exercising on simulators until a sweat, hunger pangs from exhausting diets. The picture should be something like this: “You are a charming fashion model with polished forms, which is admired by others.”
  4. A movie of desires. Make a video about your dream. The film is much more real than a frozen frame. You can put live emotions into it: joy, laughter, which a person experiences, having achieved what he wants. Take a freeze frame – the happiest moment. Print your photo and hang it in a prominent place in your room. Looking at it, you can materialize the tape of desires in your memory.

    There are special times when the clear line between consciousness and subconsciousness is blurred. This is the time immediately before falling asleep and after waking up. If you materialize thoughts during this period, then the created images will easily penetrate beyond the boundaries of the controlling mind. Visualize the pictures you want every day, and gradually it will become a habit. Falling asleep, you will not remember the troubles of the past day, but contemplate the joyful pictures of the future. Attach affirmative statements to visual images.


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