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Nowadays, most Italian clothing online consists of tie-dye designs. Whether you're a fan of the bull-eye pattern or the regular spiral design, tie-dye shirts are for everyone and a fun craft for kids to practice during summer. Adults are also not left out as it's a good way to pass the time and learn new things. These bright colored patterns bring vibrancy wherever they go and are sure to light up the room. Tie-dye refers to a resist-dyeing method that makes use of bold patterns and saturated bright colors. The overall process is fun and easy, and all you need is some dye, fabric, rubber bands, buckets, squirt bottles, and other tools and materials. Tie-dying can get pretty messy, but the fun is worth the mess. It is an activity that the entire family can participate in on holidays or during their leisure time. Once you have the proper materials, it is not difficult. The good thing about tie-dye is that there is no right or wrong pattern. The end product is a customized pattern, and it is neither right nor wrong. You may have to tie up various parts of the fabric so the dye unevenly penetrates, resulting in various effects or patterns.

You can use a variety of washing methods to maintain the color and vibrancy of your tie-dye shirt. Whatever technique you use, ensure that you wash your tie-dye pattern clothing alone. Do not wash it along with any other clothes. Remember that no matter how careful you are when washing a tie-dye fabric, it will still wash off some color. However, it's nothing to worry about as it does not affect the pattern or design. It's just extra dye that didn't stay long enough to stick. Here are some easy ways to wash and maintain your tie-dye clothing.

  • Washing by hand

Tie-dye clothes require more time and attention. You shouldn't rush when washing it by hand. It is preferable to use a bucket or washbasin rather than a bathtub or sink to avoid staining the tub. Fill the bucket with cold water and a tablespoon of gentle detergent. Next, wear rubber gloves and swirl the water around to make the soap lather. Gently insert the tie-dyed cloth into the foamy water and allow to soak for about 30minutes. After, take out the shirt and rinse under a cold running tap. Rinse thoroughly till all the bubbles and soap are completely washed out. Do not squeeze the shirt, so you don't damage or stretch the cloth. When you're done rinsing, push the shirt together against your palms to drain some water. Using an old but clean towel, roll the shirt to reduce the water, then hang to air dry.


  • Washing machine

You can wash your tie-dye clothing with a washing machine, whether it's the first or tenth time. If it's the first time or the third time you're washing your tie-dye shirt, you should use hot water to help reduce the extra dye. However, after the first few washing times, it is appropriate to wash the clothes with cold water to help maintain the vibrant colors.

If you have washed the tie-dyed cloth many times before, it is safe to wash with other colorful or plain clothing. Set your machine to a gentle wash and use cold water. Add a detergent or laundry soap, depending on how recently you got the shirt. After washing it, take it out of the machine immediately to avoid getting it damp as it may damage the design. Then hang the shirt to air dry or use the dryer if the shirt is freshly dyed.


  • Vinegar for water-soluble dye cotton clothes

Vinegar is one of the oldest tricks in the book. One of the best ways to protect your tie-dye cotton shirt is to use a vinegar solution with the first wash. You need about two cups of vinegar to keep the brightness and vibrance of your tie-dye cloth. Fill a big bucket or washbasin with cold water. It is preferable to do this outside because of the pungent smell of vinegar. Add two cups of vinegar, then put the shirt into the solution and allow to soak for 30 minutes. After that, remove the shirt and put it in the washing machine, wash with gentle detergent and allow to air dry.



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