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Finding time to do the things you enjoy can be hard, especially if you’re a working parent, a business owner, or have a very hectic work schedule. Plus, there are so many new shows coming out all the time — how are you supposed to keep up with any of them?

Okay, yes, watching TV can seem unimportant (or even unhealthy) when you have so many other things to do, but you shouldn’t write it off completely. Taking time for yourself to sit down and engage with something you enjoy can have a tremendous boost to your mental health and lower your daily stress levels. 

The Value of TV

The butterfly effects of TV are everywhere in modern-day society. Catchphrases from famous TV shows litter the zeitgeist of everyday conversations, singers are skyrocketed to superstardom following appearances on TV talk shows or competition shows, and even characters from children’s shows are parodied on adult shows throughout the world. But even with all that, what value can TV bring to your life?

TV can bring you and your family together as you watch beloved programs together or find new shows to try. For younger family members and children, TV shows can be a way to connect with older family members who enjoy the same program. Whether they watch it together or separately, it can be a point of nostalgic connection that can spark conversation, camaraderie, and fond memories. Watching television together as a family or friend unit can not only introduce you all to fun and exciting shows, it can create an opportunity for connection and coming together that is hard to find in a fast-paced, technology-driven society. 

Creating a weekly ritual for watching your favorite shows together may result in the TV show being paused more than once, to share stories and life updates from the week, or to dredge up hilarious memories from long ago. Luckily, channels like the Roku Channel always save your spot in any paused show or movie, making it super easy to dip in and out of the shows for snack breaks or story pauses. 

For older adults, TV can be a way to connect with a spouse, sibling, or potential long-term partner, or simply a great way to de-stress by yourself after a long day. Watching a show or movie together can be a fun and affordable way to create a date night for you and your partner, or a girls’ night for all your besties, no matter whether you’re throwing it back with a Buffy marathon or looking for easter eggs in the latest Marvel installment. 

Watching TV can be a nostalgic activity even by yourself. Putting on a show you really love while you unwind can make you feel better after a difficult work day and can bring you some much-needed guilt-free joy. 

How To Get Free TV

Best of all, did you know you can watch thousands of TV shows for free? Multiple streaming platforms offer thousands of TV shows and movies to customers for no cost, and here’s how to find out where to get them. 

The Roku Channel

The Roku Channel gives you completely free access to thousands of movies, TV shows, and live programming streaming free — plus it’s easy to find! All you have to do is visit their website or find their channel on your Roku TV. Whether you’re looking for films from your favorite director or trying to watch the news before work, the Roku Channel has everything you need to keep you informed and entertained at any time of the day. 


Peacock is another streaming service that famously has sought-after shows like Parks & Rec on its streaming roster that you can’t get anywhere else. While Peacock isn’t completely free forever (plans start at a very reasonable $4.99/month), you can watch for free to your heart's content during your seven-day free trial before committing to a streaming plan. 


PlutoTV is another great option for free streaming on demand. They have live TV, on-demand options, and a plethora of popular shows that are hard to find on other streaming platforms. Their platform even has a Spanish channel, and whether you’re a true crime junkie or looking for the best cooking channels, PlutoTV has something for you. 

Free Trials

If you’re unsure which streaming service is best for you and you’re shopping around, free trials are a great way to watch your favorite shows for free — for a limited time! Free trials usually only last between seven and fourteen days, and all you need is an email address and a credit card. Companies won’t charge you until the trial period is over, so don’t stress about overdrawing your account. Just set yourself a reminder to cancel the trial if you don’t think that service is right for you. 

Making Your TV Choice

Finding the best TV for you is as easy as turning your TV on. With the hundreds of channels, streaming services, and options out there, you’re spoiled for choice. Narrowing down your options is easy because no one person can possibly watch every single channel out there. Pick your go-to channels based on a few things: your favorite old shows, shows you can watch with others, and shows you’d like to try. 

These shows might all be on the same channel, two channels, or three channels, but more than that is almost overkill, especially if you’re a busy person with limited time to watch television. Choosing a channel based on your favorite comfort shows means you can indulge in watching TV by yourself, and having an option that has your favorite group-watching shows like The Bachelor or The Amazing Race means you can have options to enjoy with family and friends at the tips of your fingers. Finding out which services and channels have the shows that you’ve had on your watch list means you have the option to try something new and watch the shows that everyone at work has been talking about. 


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