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Showing appreciation to your employees is a surefire way to transform your business for the better. Going into the New Year, businesses are looking for ways to boost productivity and get more out of their daily processes. One of the single best ways to boost productivity isn’t to ask more of your team but to make sure the work they’re already doing is getting the recognition it deserves. As you analyze your systems and processes, consider how your business recognizes and rewards the outstanding work of your employees. Look at what you can do to improve your strategies and make employee appreciation a regular part of your business initiatives this year.

Host Regular Employee Appreciation Events

As you look ahead to the upcoming year, now is the perfect time to start planning employee appreciation events. Whether you hold them once a month, once a quarter, twice a year, or go for a big once-a-year bash, employee appreciation events should never be overlooked. It could be a company-wide trip to a local establishment (laser tag, anyone?). Or, as the spring and summer draw nearer, you might host a company barbecue. You can also turn the event into a party where you hand out employee recognition gifts or awards. The possibilities are endless. And regardless of what your employee appreciation events look like, as long as there is plenty of fun, employees will leave the event feeling motivated, knowing they are part of a business that prioritizes giving back. That motivation can be the source of their continued productivity.

Develop Strong Employee Recognition SOPs

Create standard operating procedures (SOPs) to define how employees can be recognized and rewarded. Why choose this option? It puts your goals into writing so that managers and team leads can follow their progress. It allows you to set a budget for employee appreciation gifts, food service, events, and other employee-centered strategies, while also defining what company leaders can do to show their appreciation. An SOP helps keep your efforts measurable and ensures that employees continue to feel recognized. This doesn’t mean you should skip spontaneous moments of recognition when a team member absolutely crushes a project, but standard guidelines can help set boundaries and make things a little easier for managers.

Keep Track of What Your Team Loves

There are many directions you can take employee recognition gifts. You can go for versatile gifts that team members can keep at their desks or workstations, personalized gifts, or gifts they can use every day. There really isn’t a limit to what these types of gifts can look like. That said, recognizing employees is also a chance for you to get creative. Some businesses send out surveys or create spreadsheets to track what their employees enjoy and would appreciate most. This gives data you can use to tailor your appreciation to each individual or team. When you choose gifts that are personalized for every employee, it shows that you pay attention, which is a huge motivational factor that can lead to a more connected, productive team.

About Successories

Successories is committed to your success! For over 30 years, Successories has built their brand on providing high-quality employee and executive gifts, awards, and motivational products for businesses and organizations of all sizes. Gifts and awards can help strengthen your company culture, drive employee engagement, and help your business manifest its core values. Successories offers a wide range of products, including personalized gifts, that make finding your perfect employee appreciation strategy incredibly easy. When you’re looking for a reliable motivator for your team, start with the inspiration that Successories delivers. After all, an inspired workplace makes for a productive environment—and a successful one.

Successories has everything you need to show your team appreciation at https://www.successories.com/

Original Source: https://bit.ly/3Ie2OTQ

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