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It’s no secret that the majority of people keep looking for better job opportunities throughout their careers, and why shouldn’t they? Life is short and with the rise of the gig economy, the demand is changing more rapidly than ever.

Various stats show that some 65% of employees think they can find a better job opportunity elsewhere. That’s a lot of people and no mistake. On the other hand, a solid retention strategy is capable of maximizing company profits up to 4 times.

It doesn’t come as a surprise, then, that 87% of HR experts consider employee retention a top priority.

So, what can companies do to keep the workforce engaged and happy and ensure that they won’t find better prospects elsewhere? The issue is especially pressing in the case of field service workers, as the industry is demanding.

Thankfully, things are looking up thanks to the omnipresent uncertainty as the industry is solid and infrastructure projects aren’t going anywhere.

Here are some ideas on how to help attract field service workers and keep them happily engaged.


Provide Proper Training 

People change, businesses change, and markets change. In fact, the synergy is so fast-paced that it is crucial to be flexible and provide timely training.

With rising numbers of people turning to alternative employment and the gig economy, traditional businesses must learn to cope. Retention rates may easily skyrocket if they don’t learn to be flexible.

One good example of how the potential issue can be solved is mLearning. The times when massive preparations and time-consuming courses in physical space were all the rage are long past. Nowadays, there are better opportunities.

mLearning and e-learning, for that matter, are great in that they allow each employee to study in the way that suits them best. They also allow for additional freedom, as the employees can choose when they want to dedicate their time to learning.

Online training sessions have also proven efficient. Not only do they save time, but they also allow for a relaxed environment beneficial for the learning process.

Here’s an interesting fact: there are more women in field trades than ever. One reason is that gender bias is slowly but steadily abating. Another one is that training is open to anyone.

To build practical skills and experience, people interested in field service can pick from a variety of learning options, including:

  •       Hands-on learning (learning by doing)
  •       Structured training (a combination of classroom instruction and supervised on-the-job training)
  •       Mentorship
  •       Industry certification

There are also pre-apprenticeship programs, which teach core skills (e.g., basic skill training, soft skill development plans, career path guidance, and job placement assistance).


Communicate Goals Clearly

Stats show that a considerable number of employees feel disconnected from their company’s goals. In fact, only 25% of employees feel satisfied.

This is an alarming percentage and a red flag for companies to brainstorm efficient ways to change the trend.

It is critical to learn from offboarding. Exit interviews provide invaluable insights into field workers’ plights, so make sure to address them.

Firstly, it is a well-known fact that clear and honest communication is the starting point for success. If the managers are incapable of communicating the company’s mission clearly, they shouldn’t expect the employees to be inspired.

Addressing the issue of communication is complex indeed but by no means rocket science. Anonymous feedback is a good starting point. The easiest way to pinpoint the issue is by asking the employees to voice their opinions.

Some companies stage daily briefings. Some companies stage company updates. Some companies stage meetings after certain milestones. Some companies combine all of the above. What your approach will be depends on the actual range of operations, number of people in the team, and company goals.

Don’t overdo it, though. Frequent large-scale meetings are not only unnecessary, but also cumbersome. Rather than this practice, it is better to ensure that every employee knows how to address the manager whenever it is needed.

For field workers, there’s another factor in play: contractor license assistance. Support is paramount, as licensing is a complex process and oftentimes expensive as well. Why not provide assistance and make licensing a goal?


Provide Tools for Success 

Closely linked to the matter of communication (but also to a myriad of other aspects) is the choice of apps and tools. I.e., business email is a common way to keep communication alive and efficient, but it is also the most disconcerting factor.

Email notifications are the single most detrimental element of the daily work routine. Constant interruptions delay projects at hand. Alas!, they’re also necessary for field workers as prompt updates and cross-communication are critical for unexpected situations.  

Luckily, there is a rich offer of apps and tools for any kind of task, so make sure to keep informed and arrange proper training for the employees for the best results.

Also, keep in mind that other tools should be deployed to simplify other complex elements of field service work. E.g., tools for simplified service logistics will do wonders for your workers as they’ll have the upper hand no matter the circumstances.

The key takeaway is flexibility. Businesses need to adjust to changing circumstances and provide top-notch tools and training to keep their field service teams engaged.


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